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Asian Journal of Development Matters
Year : 2010, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 87) Last page : ( 91)
Print ISSN : 0973-9637.

Human Rights and Nonviolence: A Comparative Study between Contemporary Islam and Jainism

Pelko Azam Khodashenas1,*,  Padmashekar, Namdar Abdoullah

1Department of Studies in Jainology, University of Mysore, Mysore, India.

*Address for correspondences E-mail: sn90048@yahoo.com


Many reasons can be offered for the employment of nonviolence, it breaks the cycle of violence and counter-violence, and also it is the surest way of achieving public sympathy. It is the only method of struggle that is consistent with the teachings of the major religions. Nonviolence can also be the basis for a way of life. It is consistent with a belief in the underlying unity of humankind. Truth and non-violence are not possible without a living belief in God. It is a fact that nonviolent activism is more powerful and effective than violent activism. By the very law of nature all bad things are associated with violence, while all good things are associated with non-violence. Violent activities breed hatred in society, while nonviolent activities elicit love. Violence is the way of destruction while non-violence is the way of construction. The program of Islam is divided to bring peace into three main phases: (1) peace with God (2) peace within the community and (3) peace with others. In the Qur'an peace is one of God's names and the word SABR exactly expresses the notion of nonviolence, as it is understood in modern times. Religion emphasizes that peace of mind comes from tolerance and contentment. In Jainism, nonviolence is not limited to refraining from mental, verbal and physical injury to human beings. It encompasses abstaining from injury to all living beings - all animals and plants.



Peace, Truth, Society and Religion.


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