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Guidelines for Author

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the format of APA. The manuscript should be prepared only in MS Word. No other formats are acceptable. An MS Word Template for preparing manuscript can be downloaded from the SIS Website.The print version of the manuscript is not considered. The typewritten manuscript in MS Word should be submitted only through email to any one on following Email IDs.

  1. Dr. Bankey L. Dubey, Ph. D. Editor Emeritus, Email: bldubey@gmail.com

  2. Dr. Naveen Gupta, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief, Email: dr_naveengupta@yahoo.com

  3. Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D. Executive Editor, Email: jain.imhh@gmail.com

REVIEW AND EDITING: All submissions to the journal are Peer Reviewed independently before acceptance and publication in the journal. The Editorial Board of SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health have full rights to accept/reject or require a re-submission of submitted manuscripts. Minor additions/ deletions/ changes can also be made in the manuscript at the level of Editors.

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