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Year : 2023, Volume : 15, Issue : 2
First page : ( 95) Last page : ( 96)
Print ISSN : 0973-3086. Online ISSN : 2583-7087. Published online : 2023  04.

Bimalendu Bhattacharya, Migration Reshaping Human History. Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2023. pp. xiv+182 (Hardcover). Rs. 900. ISBN: 978-93-5594-175-6

Mathew Jasmine

Doctoral Scholar, Department of Social Work, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kochi, Kerala, India, Email: jasminemsajan@gmail.com

Online Published on 04 March, 2024.


“Migration Reshaping Human History” by Bimalendu Bhattacharya is a sweeping exploration of the intricate and multifaceted phenomenon of human migration, skillfully weaving together historical narratives, contemporary analysis, and theoretical frameworks. Divided into six chapters, the book takes readers on a compelling journey through the evolution of Homo sapiens, the dark chapters of slavery and indentured labour, and the contemporary challenges faced by refugees.

The book’s strength lies in its comprehensive approach to the subject matter. In the opening chapter, the author sets the stage by examining both human and non-human migration, shedding light on the scope of mass migration and its roots in the rift valleys of Africa. The author skillfully introduces readers to the vast historical swaths of human movement, laying the foundation for an exploration that spans continents and epochs.

The second chapter serves as a thematic guide, offering insights into the necessity of human migration, its historical context, and the global force of development unleashed by international migration. The exploration of migrants and ethnicity provides a nuanced understanding of the social complexities that arise from migration, while the discussion on recent trends and social problems adds a contemporary relevance to the historical narrative.

As the book progresses, An Analysis of Recent Migration delves into the complexities of contemporary international migration, providing a comprehensive analysis of trends, flows, and the diverse experiences of migrants in the modern world. This chapter bridges the historical and the present, offering readers a holistic understanding of migration as an ever-evolving force.

Chapter IV is a standout section, unravelling the historical layers of exploitation through forced migration. Bhattacharya deftly traces the changing phases of slavery, from its earliest iterations to the modern slave trade, and introduces the often overlooked dimension of indentured labour. The cultural impact of indentured labour adds depth to the narrative, showcasing the author’s ability to explore migration’s multifaceted nature.

In Chapter V, Bhattacharya engages with theoretical frameworks, providing a thoughtful analysis of international migration in the context of the Indian experience. This chapter not only contributes to the theoretical understanding of migration but also adds a valuable perspective on the complexities within a specific geographical context.

The final chapter brings the narrative full circle by addressing the contemporary challenges faced by refugees. The author discusses the political unrest, and the lack of mutual understanding between host countries and refugees, and highlights the plight of specific refugee groups, such as Bengali Hindu refugees from East Pakistan.

At its core, the book elucidates the triumphs and struggles of Homo sapiens as they supplanted earlier groups, becoming the ancestors that define our shared human lineage. The narrative meticulously weaves through the patterns of European settlement and colonisation, uncovering the vast historical swaths of human migration that have left an indelible mark on societies across the globe.

One of the distinctive features of Bhattacharya’s work is its candid exploration of the darker chapters in the history of migration, such as the profound impact of slavery and indentured labour. The author sheds light on the enforced movement of vast groups across continents, providing a nuanced understanding of the historical roots that have contributed to the mosaic of mixed-racial communities that persist to this day.

The book does not shy away from addressing the cataclysmic consequences of significant historical events, including the partition of India. Bhattacharya skillfully navigates through the aftermath of this traumatic event, unravelling the displacement of millions and the far-reaching effects on individuals and communities. This historical lens allows readers to comprehend the enduring repercussions of such events, shaping the contours of societies and cultures in their wake.

As the narrative unfolds, Bhattacharya brings the discussion into the present, considering the contemporary challenges faced by refugees who, compelled by violence, exploitation, or the ravages of the climate crisis, seek solace on unfamiliar shores. The author paints a poignant picture of the hostility and indifference faced by these displaced individuals, rendering them stateless and cast adrift in a world where the concept of home becomes a distant and elusive reality.

Overall, “Migration Reshaping Human History” stands out as a commendable work that seamlessly blends historical depth with contemporary relevance. Bhattacharya’s skilful narration and comprehensive exploration make this book a valuable resource for readers interested in understanding the forces that have shaped human migration throughout history. The book’s strength lies in its ability to navigate the complexities of migration, offering readers a nuanced and insightful perspective on this fundamental aspect of human history.


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