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1. The journal aims to publish quality peer reviewed articles pertaining to areas of original research, case reports, clinical pearls, book reviews and reviews on all aspects of dentistry. Research in the fields of craniofacial ,molecular biology ,genetics ,epidemiology and oral health would be specially encouraged.

2. The journal would aim to provide researchers, clinicians, academicians and students a platform for knowledge transfer and publication of their reports.

3. The journal would aim to promote student research in all fields of dentistry.

4. The journal would promote meta analysis, systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials with an aim for evidence based reports.

5. The journal aims for international readership but would focus a large extent on the Asia Pacific region .

6. Topics covered in the journal would include all aspects of general dentistry and the various specialties including the fields of dental biomaterials, oral biosciences, oral rehabilitation, forensic odontology ,aesthetic dentistry, implantology newer diagnostic techniques and dental sleep medicine.

7. On a larger platform the journal aims to provide documentation of the clinical and research work in the developing world to match the standards of the developed world.

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