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Guidelines for the contributors:

  1. To submit a paper for publication in the Indian Journal of Regional Science, the author/co-authors need to be a member(s) of Regional Science Association, India. A separate editorial handling charge of Rs. 1000 for each paper submitted and filled up application form has to be sent along with the membership fee.

  2. The paper intended for publication should be sent to the Managing Editor in two modes- one hard copy and one soft copy. The soft copy can either be sent through email to info.rsai67@gmail.com or cr_pathak@hotmail.com or CD send through by post.

  3. The Abstract, should accompany each paper which has to be short and indicative only of the scope and major findings of the submitted paper.

  4. The maximum length of the paper should not exceed more than 15 pages on single page having double spacing. Should be typed in word processor using MS Word or LaTeX.

  5. The paper must be edited by experts in their field before sending. The Equations, symbols etc should be clear enough to be printed with proper indexing.

  6. Maps and figures for illustrations should be sent separately in a CD as an image file in higher resolution (100-300 dpi) for better printing quality. The maps and figures including labels and captions must fit with in an area of 6 x 8 inches. Since it will be printed in black and white, the maps and illustrations should be sent accordingly.

  7. Too much statistical tables should be avoided.

  8. All tables, maps etc. should be placed at the end of the paper, after Reference.

  9. References must be in alphabetical order (surname first, name, name the publication, year of publication etc.) and should strictly follow the standard bibliographical norms.

  10. For Book reviews, the hardcopy of the book should be sent in duplicate.

  11. The editors in the editorial board have the full permission to reject, accept or make changes in the paper with due permission from the authors.

  12. No plagiarism is permitted in the publication

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