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Instructions for Authors

INDIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE (IJPS) is a refereed, blind, double reviewed bi-annual research journal (ISSN 0976 9218) of psychology and allied disciplines. All the papers are considered for publication on the basis of the final recommendation/approval of the Referees. Every referee evaluate and review the paper on different dimensions and if a paper found suitable for publication, only then it publishes.


  1. All legal under taking related to the research journal are subjected to be hearable at Chandigarh jurisdiction only.

  2. Every author and co-author/s has to submit an undertaking that the manuscript submitted is original and has not been published/submitted elsewhere till date.

  3. Send the manuscripts to The Managing Editor online at managingeditorijps@gmail.com

Instructions for Authors

Research paper must be typed preferably in MS Word in single space only using TIMES NEW ROMAN font size-12

Word Limit/ Length Of Research Paper

Research paper should not be beyond 3000 words including graphs and tables but if you want to publish the research paper beyond the said limit then author has to pay Rs. 200/- per page as extra charges and that page will have 350 maximum words.

Your paper should be referred to any two subject experts/referees from author's side. Each Subject expert/referee should have a minimum 08 years related experience.

Major Steps to be Followed

Title: Avoid abbreviations; title must be short, accurate along with short title, 3/4 words to be used as running head of the same.

Authors: Only name and institutional affiliation should be given by all the authors at the end of the abstract of manuscript.

Abstract: It should be short and limit it to the four or five most important concepts, findings, or implications of the study. It should not exceed more than 150 words.

Introduction: The sole aim is: why it is important and how it is unique as compared to other studies. It must include the general introduction, literature review and the relation of the present study to the existing literature and the explicit statement of purpose.

Method: This section comprises Design,Participants, Measurements/Tools and Procedure.

Results: The obtained results should be tabulated or in the form of figure etc. but do not repeat it beyond more than one format. Minimize the number of tables and indicate in the paper about the location of the tables.

Discussion: It is one of the important sections of the whole paper so it should be written carefully. Initiate about the attained answer and then in separate paragraph correlate the findings with previous researches accordingly. Avoid clubbing Results and Discussion.

References: Avoid citing the references of Abstracts and unpublished paper/articles/theses. The name of the journal/source must be written in full and not in abbreviation. We follow APA format

Specimen references


Singh, Dalip (2004). Emotional Intelligence at Work, Delhi, Sage Publication.


Kumar, R., Manika. M., Lal. R., Singh, B. (2006) Study of Cognitive Style and Need Patterns of Institutionalized Deprived Adolescents, Indian Journal of Psychological Science, 3 (1): 76-92.

Lal, R. , Kumar, R., Dwivedi, (2011)Effect of TEST Anxiety and Self-Efficacy on Adolescent's Well Being, Indian Journal of Psychological Science, 2 (1): 108-116.

Magazine Article
Lal, R. (2010). Contemporary Children: Handle with Care, Amaranth 86, 25-27

Newspaper Article
Course Profile; Psychology. (6 July, 2009). The Hindustan Times, pp. 8

Summers, M. (2013) Cool scenes. Retrieved August 10, 2013.

Permission for reproduction in any form should be addressed at :

Editorial Address:
National Association of Psychological Science
Department of Psychology, Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh. India
Email: managingeditorijps@gmail.com
Phone: 91-9417882789, 91-9417723474

Note: The Copy right form, Undertaking by the authors, Statement of publication ethics and publication malpractice etc. are available at: www.napsindia.org

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