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Aims and Scope

The scope of the journal is to encourage and support excellence in the discipline of medicine and dentistry and its confederated specialties. The journal will incorporate scientific and clinical investigations, innovative research in field of medicine and dentistry, research related to health, in field of dental and medical specialty, technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of original descriptions of medical and dental research that advances or illuminates medical science or that educates the international journal of dental and medical specialty readers in field of all specialties of dental and Medical Research. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference.


   Community medicine,
   Emergency Medicine and trauma,
   Ear Nose and Throat,
   Forensic Medicine,
   Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
   Intensive Care,
   Internal Medicine,
   Ayurvedic and allied sciences
   Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
   Intensive Care,
   Internal Medicine,
   Molecular Biology
   Nephrology / Renal,
   Neurology and Neuro-Surgery,
   Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
   Paediatrics and Neonatology
   Plastic Surgery,
   Trauma and care


   Oral and maxillofacial surgery
   Oral medicine and radiology
   Oral pathology and microbiology
   Community dentistry
   Preventive and Pedodontics
   Conservative and Endodontic
   Forensic Dentistry
   Oral Oncology

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