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Publisher: St. Xavier's College, Jaipur
Online ISSN: 2457-0192
Number of issues per year: 1
Print frequency: Annually
Month of publication: January

St. Xavier’s college, Jaipur is forever striving for innovation and perfection. In its pursuit for excellence, the department of English endeavoured to provide a platform to its students, faculty of the college along with researchers, academicians, bloggers, reviewers, writers and intellectuals at large to opine, share, deliberate, debate, contend, explore and finally synthesise the various layers, meanings, interpretations, trends and changes that take place in the literary world.
Euphonie, is the result of a long cherished dream of the Department of the English at St. Xavier’s College to publish a Journal of international standard that will enable academicians all over the globe to exchange their ideas, interact, unleash their creativity and sharpen their mental acumen. The Journal also will encourage the students of the college to see research as a professional, critical and objective way of studying the nuances of literature. It will encourage them to move beyond the traditional way of looking at the text and exploring alternative possibilities.


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