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Annals of Health and Health Sciences

Publication's web-site
Publisher: Diva Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Print ISSN: 2322-0414
Online ISSN: 2322-0422
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December

The AHHS journal aims to provide a brief report of research and advances in the field of medical sciences, medical education and information, Dental, Pharmaceutics, Nursing education and Physiotherapy. It is a multispecialty journal, integrating research in different streams of medical sciences. The journal covers experimental and clinical studies related to basic medical sciences and their applied aspects in animals and humans, including diagnostic studies, therapeutic interventions and social issues. Studies on basic medical sciences, clinical aspects, epidemiological studies, discoveries, cost-effective analysis, clinical trials, current update to laboratory innovations, Innovative teaching and learning methods and bio-ethics will be under the scope of the journal.

Indexed / Abstracted: Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, MIAR(ICDS-3.8), Scientific Journal Impact Factor(SJIF - 6.551), InfoBase Index (IB Factor - 2.2), EBSCO Discovery, Indian Science, J-Gate, Cite Factor, DRJI, ISRA-JIF, I2OR and ESJI.

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