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Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 8) Last page : ( 22)
Print ISSN : 2320-1193.

Role of molecular markers in plant biotechnology

Kumar P.1, Kamle Madhu2, Iqbal A.1, Tiwari N. N.1, Saksena P.1, Tiwari A.K.1,*, Kumar Arun1

1Division of Biotechnology and Central Lab, U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur-242001, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Central Institute of Sub-Tropical Horticultural, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author: A.K Tiwari Email; ajjul985@gmailcom

Online published on 11 December, 2014.


DNA markers has become routine methods to reveal the genetic diversity and to revolutionized the plant biotechnology. They are widely used for genome tagging, linkage mapping, MAS, QTL analysis etc. Disciplines of plant genetics and breeding have now been changed irreversibly because of the development of DNA markers. Marker assisted selection (MAS) is most promising for cultivar development. Development and constantly modification ofmolecular markers are being to enhance their utility and bring about automation in the process of genome analysis. Due to the rapid developments in the field of molecular genetics, varieties of different techniques have emerged to analyse genetic variation during the last few decayed. In this article basic quality of molecular markers, their characteristics, the advantages and disadvantages of their applications, analytical techniques have been discussed.



Molecular markers, plant biotechnology, genetic diversity, polymorphism, isozymes and polymerase chain reactions (PCR).


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