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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-5 (May)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000
Online ISSN : 2231-5780

Table of contents

Effect of yoga on concentration and memory in relation to stress
Dr. Amit Kauts, Neelam Sharma

An empirical study on hrd climate and its impact on job performance in private insurance companies in Odisha
Dr. Birajit Mohanty, Ms. Susmitaparija, Mr. Ghansyamsahu

Land use pattern and forecasting of carbon sequestration in madhya pradesh forests
A K Singh, R K Jha, V B Gupta

Stock market efficiency in Nepal
Jeetendra Dangol

Self-concept: A psychosocial study on adolescents
Sangeeta Rath, Sumitra Nanda

Women entrepreneur development in indian textile industry
M. Gurusamy, P. Umamaheswari, Dr. N. Rajasekar

Time factor analysis on prevention algorithm in mobile ad-hoc network
Atul Kumar Agrawal, Ravindra Gupta, Gajendra Singh

Modified DSR for effective classification of malicious nodes through advanced TEF
Atul Agrawal, Ravindra Gupta, Gajendra Singh

External factors and its role in the convergence of the ECO
Abdolreza Shahriari

Day of the week effect: An empirical analysis of national stock exchange
Siddhartha Bhattacharya, Dr. Partha Pratim Sengupta, Partha Sarathi Sarkar

Role of family members in the purchase of television
Dr. Padmaja K. Manoharan, Dr. R. Vijayalakshmi

A study of the profitability of urban cooperative banks (In greater mumbai andjalgaon for 5years)
Dr. Seema Sant, Dr P.T Chaudhari

An analytical study of performance appraisal system of the selected information technology enabled services (ITES) companies
Shreya Rustum Virani

Multidisciplinary research can make the medicinal plant industry in tripura viable – a conceptual study based on tows matrix
Sudip Bhattacharjee

Rashtriya swsthya bima yojna in India- Implementation and impact
Dr. Harinder Singh Gill, Mrs. Amandeep Kaur Shahi

Marx’s prediction and history movement: From dictatorship of proletariat to dictatorship of leaders
Dr Nagappa Gowda

Devadāsis and gift giving in medieval south India
S. Jeevanandam, Rekha Pande

Strategic move of ICICI bank: A case study of merger of ICICI bank and bank of Rajasthan
Dr. Abhinn Baxi Bhatnagar, Ms. Nitu Sinha

Workplace stress among doctors in government hospitals: An empirical study
Irfana Baba

Solapur textile industry an overview on marketing and financial problems
Prof. Tanaji Dinkar Dabade, Dr. Shivaji U. Gawade, Prof. Balaji Bhanudas Khune

IT enabled banking services in the globalised ERA
Dr. V. Darling Selvi

Retail sector in India: Issues & challenges
Ms. Vidushi Handa, Mr. Navneet Grover

The swadeshi programme in Karnataka
Dr. T.V. Adivesha

A study on anger expression as a dimension of workplace emotion
Nagalakshmi Palaparthi, Dr. K. Jawahar Rani


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