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Agricultural Research Journal
Publication's web-site
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Print ISSN: 2395-1435
Online ISSN: 2395-146X
Number of issues per year: 6
Print frequency: Bimonthly
Month(s) of publication: February, April, June, August, October and December
Description: Agricultural Research Journal is a peer reviewed ‘open access’ journal (online content host www.indianjournals.com) published bimonthly by the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) and Crop Improvement Society of India. It does not have any article processing charges or any kind of membership requirements. It was started in 1964 and was earlier named as Journal of Research PAU. The title was changed to ‘Agricultural Research Journal’ in 2015 in order to reflect a wider scope. Research articles/notes based on original research in agriculture, mainly including crop improvement, crop production and protection, post-harvest management, value addition, farm mechanization, agricultural economics, and related sciences are published in the journal after their thorough review by the referees in the relevant field. The Journal also publishes invited review articles and opinion/perspective articles from distinguished scientists pertaining to the fields within its scope to highlight knowledge gaps and suggest possible course of future research or new concepts.
Abstracted/Indexed Scopus, Indian Citation Index, CABI, J-Gate, Agricola , Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, Ebsco Discovery, NAAS Rating 2024 - 5.16.
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