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Browse Publisher (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana)

The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) is a premier university, established in 1962, to achieve excellence in research, education and technology transfer in agriculture and allied fields. It undertakes basic, applied and adaptive research to seek solution to emerging farming problems, develop efficient mechanisms for technology transfer, support growth of agro-based industry and generate self employment opportunities for the educated rural youth. PAU has so far recommended 693 varieties of 95 crops along with hundreds of matching production, protection, and post harvest technologies. It is a leading national centre for research on hybrid breeding that has developed hybrids of pearl millet, maize, pigeon pea, cotton, sunflower, gobhi sarson, Baja Napier, muskmelon, chilli, tomato, brinjal, etc. It has evaluated and recommended energy-efficient farm machines to bring precision and timeliness in operations and has worked out technologies aimed at reducing women drudgery. PAU scientists have generated research-based new knowledge and has developed and popularized eco-friendly technologies such as biological control of pests and diseases, integrated nutrient, pest, disease and weed management. Its research on natural resource conservation has helped farmers save the precious natural resource base of the state such as water, soil nutrients, etc. PAU has generated protocols for mass multiplication of 17 plant species through tissue culture. Its state of the art facilities of School of Agricultural Biotechnology, School of Information Technology, and the Electron Microscopy & Nano Science Laboratory, etc. are providing useful service to different organizations. The university is committed to forge ties with other institutes/ universities in the country and abroad involved in developing quality manpower and research-based technologies. PAU has worked for the overall progress of farming and farmers of the state besides promoting culture and aesthetics of educational institutes and developed a library culture in the state. The development and dissemination of technologies has generated a marked impact on Punjab agriculture. In recognition of its excellent contribution PAU was adjudged as the 'best institute' by the ICAR (1995). A special grant of Rs 100 crore by Central Government was awarded to PAU (2006) for its contribution in Green Revolution.

Open Access
No. of publication(s) available for this publisher: 1
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