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Journal of Orofacial & Health Sciences
Year : 2011, Volume : 2, Issue : 2

Print ISSN : 0976-5360.

Amelogenesis Imperfecta -A Literature Review

Dr. Guru E.N., Reader, Dr. Sunil M K, Professor and Head, Dr. Kumar Raghav, Associate Professor, Dr. Sahwney Hemant, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Saurabh Siddharth, Post Graduate Student, Dr. Sharma Neera, Lecturer

Department of Oral Medicine & Maxillofacial Radiology, D.J College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. M.K Sunil, Professor and Head, Dept of Oral Medicine & Maxillofacial Radiology, D.J. College of Dental Sciences & Research, Modinagar. E-mail: preethiprajana@gmail.com

Online published on 5 January, 2012.

Received:  8  March,  2011; Accepted:  21  March,  2011.


Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a group of developmental conditions, genomic in origin, which affect the structure and clinical appearance of enamel of all or nearly all the teeth in a more or less equal manner, and which may be associated with morphologic or biochemical changes elsewhere in the body.The enamel may be hypoplastic, hypomineralised or both and the teeth affected may be discolored, sensitive or prone to disintegration. AI exists in isolation or associated with other abnormalities in syndromes. It may show autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-linked and sporadic inheritance patterns. Diagnosis is based on the family history, pedigree plotting and meticulous clinical observation. Genetic diagnosis is presently only a research tool. The condition presents problems of socialisation, function and discomfort but may be managed by early vigorous intervention, both preventively and restoratively, with treatment continued throughout childhood and into adult life. In infancy, the primary dentition may be protected by the use of preformed metal crowns on posterior teeth. The long-term care involves either crowns or, more frequently these days, adhesive and plastic restorations like composite resins.



Enamel Malformation, Genetic Heterogeneity.


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