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Journal of Orofacial & Health Sciences
Year : 2011, Volume : 2, Issue : 2

Print ISSN : 0976-5360.

Single Visit Esthetic Makeover in Case of Lateral Facial Dysplasia: A Case Report

Dr. Kumar Lakshya*Lecturer, Dr. Sandhya**Senior resident, Dr. Singh Balendra Pratap*Assistant Professor, Dr. Yadav Akanksha, Practitioner

*Department of prosthodontic, CSM Medical Univ., Lucknow

**Department of Prosthodontics  MAIDS, New Delhi

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Lakshya kumar, Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, C.S.M. Medical University (KG.MC), Lucknow-226002, Uttar Pradesh, India. E-mail: lakshya79@yahoo.com

Online published on 5 January, 2012.

Received:  4  March,  2011; Accepted:  4  May,  2011.


Lateral facial dysplasia is the most frequently encountered form of isolated facial asymmetry, affecting approximately one in 5,000 births and ranking second only to cleft lip and palate as the most common facial anomaly. It is a congenital malformation with deficiency in the amount of hard and soft tissue on one side of the face, with underdevelopment of the temporomandibular joint, mandibular ramus, masticatory muscles and the ear. This manuscript presented a case report of a female patient with lateral facial dysplasia in which adhesive retained ear prosthesis was provided as a single visit treatment option.



Ear Prosthesis, Hemifacial Microsomia, Dysplasia.


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