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Year : 2020, Volume : 10, Issue : 4
First page : ( 11) Last page : ( 14)
Print ISSN : 2249-7803. Online ISSN : 2456-7302. Published online : 2020  30.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2456-7302.2020.00024.5

“Digital Growth in Banking Sector and Acceptability by Bank Customers”

Kolhe M. Somnath Mr.1Ph.D., Research Scholar

1Department of Commerce, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.


The impressive advancements in digital technology have transformed the way banks operate. The commencement of the age of digital technology has been disrupting the business environment. One of the latest initiatives of this is digital banking. The paper “Digital Growth in Banking Sector and Acceptability By Bank Customers” discussed on the banks growth with digitalization and satisfaction level of consumers.



Advancements, Digital technology, Banks, Customers, Digitalization, Satisfaction.



The impressive advancements in digital technology have transformed the way banks operate. The commencement of the age of digital technology has been disrupting the business environment. One of the latest initiatives of this is digital banking. Digital banking technologies have escalated over the years, with the availability of a large portfolio of products such as deposits, ATMs, debit cards, mobile payments etc. There is an immense possibility of using the infrastructure of the digital age to create opportunities between local and globally.

Day by day competitions and various other challenges in the banking sector are pushing the banks to adopt new digital models that present unique sources of value to them. Digital initiatives are the incorporation of advanced and developing technologies throughout financial services entity to heightened customer services and involvements effectively and efficiently. The evolving technological landscape is a key driver that is changing the way in which customers interact with their banks. To sustain in this fast-changing technology era every bank is striving hard to adopt new technology to win over the customers. Hence, it is required attention to study for benefits of digital banking, understanding, creating awareness and Priorities for Future.


Objectives of the Study

  • To know the Scope of digital banking

  • To understand the benefit to the Bank and to the Customers.

  • Competitive technology driven influencers and Priorities for Future.

Digital Revolution within the Banking Sector

The need for mechanization was felt within the Indian banking sector in late 1980s, so as to progress the customer service, book-keeping and MIS reporting. Banks instigated using Information Technology primarily with the introduction of standalone PCs and migrated to Local Area Network (LAN) connectivity. With more advancement, banks adopted the Core Banking platform. Thus, branch banking changed to bank banking. Core Banking Solution (CBS) enabled banks to upsurge the comfort feature to the purchaser’s auspicious step towards enhancing customer suitability through anywhere and anytime banking.


Technological Milestones in Indian Banks

Scope Of Digital Banking

Indian Government is aggressively promoting digital transactions. The launch of United Payments Interface (UPI) and Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) are important steps for invention within the Payment Systems domain. UPI could be a mobile interface where people can make instant funds transfer between accounts in several banks on the premise virtual address without mentioning the checking account number. Today banks aim to deliver fast, accurate and eminence banking experience to their customers. Today, the topmost agenda for all the banks in India is digitalization.

Digital banking isn’t only restricted to using internet to access banking services, as is typically perceived, but it comprises of an entire array of banking services delivered or consumed using technology as following:

  1. Internet Ban1king: The web may be a powerful medium and is used by banks to provide services at different levels. This includes providing basic information about the assorted products and services of the banks, communicating with the customers regarding their account balances or loan applications and allowing the customers to undertake transactions like payment of bills, transfer of funds and therefore the using the net.

  2. Mobile Banking: Mobile banking allows a customer to speak and provides simple instructions to the bank through the utilization of their mobile keypads, on a cellular device. It allows them to deposit a cheque, transfer funds, pay bills, know the account balance, locate an ATM or receive information about their account’s activity.

  3. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): ATMs were the first well-known machines to supply electronic access to customers. These machines enable a customer to perform tasks such as cash withdrawal, and enquire about account balance, without the assistance of a bank representative. The more complex machines also allow customers to print their passbook, deposit cash and access a line of credit.

  4. Plastic Cards: A plastic card issued by a bank to its customer within the variety of a Credit card, Debit card or Smart card. These cards simplify the method of constructing payments at point of sale, provide quick access to credit for a specific period of our time or can perform various sorts of pre-defined financial transactions, respectively.

  5. Electronic Clearing Service (ECS): Repetitive and periodic payments are essentially undertaken electronically through ECS. It’s employed by institutions for creating bulk amounts towards distribution of bonus, interest, salary, retirement fund, etc. or for bulk collection of amounts towards cellular phone, electricity, water dues, cess, etc.

  6. Electronic Fund Transfer: Electronic fund transfer systems are dedicated towards transfer of funds within a institution or among many institutions, without the involvement of the bank staff. Such a transaction takes place over a computerized network.


Benefits To The Bank

Using digital instrument means to provide is in the interest of banks. It reduces the operating costs by reducing back office operations, minimizes errors, and brings down the quantity of hands needed for operations. It enables a bank to downsize it branch networks, and offer services in an innovative and attractive manner. This offer a lift to the service quality, delivery and efficiency, which can act as a source of competitive advantage to banks employing digital technologies by removing geographical limitations, it paves the path for extension of operations of small banks. Not only this, but digital technology has aided banks in increasing the pace of information, management, and financial engineering, thereby improving the power of creditors to assess the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. Various studies have shown that because of increase in technology usage, the banking sector’s performance increases day by day.


Benefits To Customers

The most important turn-on of technology-based banking arises from the ‘anytime, anywhere availability’ of banking services. These outcomes don’t seem to be only convenience to customers but significant reduction in time and effort involved. What follows may be a decline in cost of availing services, also continuous access to information. Automation of banking services also facilitates recordkeeping of one’s transactions, yield a financial trail which will be easily tracked. Variety of latest services such as warnings, notifications, budgeting also are a by- product of digital. Due to elimination of time limitation, geographical limitation and price limitations, digital banks usually have a whip hand over branch-based banks.



  1. Security Risks - Outside threats like hacking, sniffing and banks to security risks. Banks also are exposed to internal risks especially frauds by employees in collusion with clients.

  2. Customer Awareness - Lack of information amongst people to use e-banking services is that the major constraint in India.

  3. Fear factor - One amongst the main hurdles in online banking is preference to traditional banking method. major of the people from the rural areas.

  4. Training - Lack of adequate knowledge and skills may be a major deterrent for employees to cope with the advanced and changing technologies in banks. Training the slightest degree levels on the changing trends in IT is the necessity of the day for the banks.

Competitive Technology Driven Influencers and Priorities for Future

  1. Block chain will shake things up - within the late 1990s, when companies began to grasp the Internet’s potential power, e-commerce investment and experimentation soared. It’s unlikely that anyone would deny just how, revolutionary the digital technology has proved to be. Today there are enquiring similarities with Block chain both in how firms are being funded and the way they’re exploring uses.

  2. Digital becomes mainstream- Over the following five years; digital efforts will advance in areas as diverse as robo-investing, automation of consumer lending and clearing and settlement of money and securities transactions. Institutions will must to balance the need for separate transformation teams with the understanding that digital will become the platform. Practically, this implies you have to keep the change the bank and therefore run-the bank teams on the identical page, operationally and strategically.

  3. Customer Knowledge are the foremost important predictor of revenue growth-Technology advances have given businesses access to exponentially more data about what users ‘do and want’. it’s a tremendous opportunity for whoever, can use analytics to unlock the data.

    Inside to offer customers what they require. Machine learning and customer analytics to become the driver of customer engagement over the following decade. Certainly, financial institutions will have to deliver instantaneous, seamless transactions, but speed is simply the baseline requirement. Most firms will develop new varieties of virtual engagement capable of integrating themselves into customers Lives. They going to stick because they’ll be personal informed by intelligence gathered data about consumer behaviors, choices and volunteered preferences.

  4. Advances in robotics and AI will start a wave ofre-shoring’and localization - When ATMs were first introduced, many customers declined to use them. Gradually, after time and training they came to see that ATMs could offer a better service experience. And trust followed. There are astonishing advances in robotics, machine learning and pattern recognition in recent years. Over the subsequent five years’ we’ll realize a shift from standalone uses to full integration into a company’s business activities. Financial institutions will rapidly build their efforts to understand and develop a vision for their use of robotics.

  5. The public cloud will become the dominant infrastructure model - With customers demanding a versatile, personalized system experience, and with costs continuing to drop, the cloud is here to stay. In next several years will lead or result to an increasing adoption of the public cloud within the financial services industry.

  6. Cyber-security will be one of the highest risks facing financial institutions - Financial institutions have long handled sophisticated threats. Cybersecurity is already important, and it’ll become even more significant for institutions and their regulators within the future. The challenge will be to safety balance with customer’s convenience. For full scale providers who are attempting to maintain visibility, across channel this is harder than it looks. But there are guidelines which might help financial institutions identify and priorities threats, quickly detect, mitigate risks and understand security gaps.

  7. Regulators will address technology as well Regulators are rapidly adopting a large range of data gathering and analytical tools too. They’re trying to find out more about individual institutions activities and systematic activity. They also hope to watch the industry more effectively and to predict potential problems rather than regulating after the fact/event.

Priorities for Future

  1. Updating IT operating model to get ready for the new change.

  2. Slashing costs by simplifying legacy systems and adopting robotics/AI.

  3. Preparing architecture to connect to anything and anywhere.

  4. Building the technology capabilities to get more intelligent about customers’ needs.

  5. Paying enough attention to cyber-security.

  6. Access to the talent and skills necessary to execute and win.


The study was aimed to formulate strategy to increase the acceptability of Bank’s digital initiatives promoting digital products efficiently. The Bank has a lot on its plate: emerging competitors, shifting demographics, rising customer expectations and changing regulations. Technology offers solutions, allowing the Bank to cut costs and become more efficient. Most technology is not proprietary, so it is a bit of a race, if the Bank blinks, it may find that the competition has already built up advantages that are now harder for it to match.

Today those who do will reap the rewards of this loyal and profitable generation and finally, bank needs to be able to spot opportunities to mention digital products to customers. And customer need to care enough to actually they do it. Simply giving workers a product sheet and a few talking points won’t turn them into a driving force for digital acceptability. There is need to approach training programs with empathy. Staffs need to be given a reason to care to the customer needs.





















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