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Browse Publisher (Institute of Information Technology and Management)

Mata Leelawati Shikshan Sansthan, a registered education society had setup The “Institute of Information Technology and Management” in 1999. The Institute is affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha (GGSIP) University, Delhi for Master of Computer Application (MCA), Master of Business Management (MBA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) programmes and is also approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

The institute aims to develop as a Centre of Excellence for imparting technical and management education and generating competent professionals with a high degree of professional acumen, competence and ethical standards.

The Institute is passionate about grooming young students to be leaders, who are to become both excellent professionals and good human beings by adopting “Student Centric Approach”. All the stakeholders, employers, parents, alumni, faculty and the students, share the vision and mission of the institute and are active participants in their implementation.

The Institute is centrally located in the “Janakpuri Institutional Area”, well connected by road and Metro public transport and provides modern infrastructure for sustained teaching and learning.

Open Access
No. of publication(s) available for this publisher: 1
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