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Journal of Resources, Energy and Development
Year 2019, Volume-33, Issue-4 (December)
Print ISSN : 0975-7554
Online ISSN : 0974-0929 Table of contents Age-associated variations in the hematologic values of HDLC and LDLC in relation to waist circumference Chaman Ara, Bhaweshwar Singh Occurrence of growth marks in the phalanges of the Indian Black Rat, Rattus Rattus (lannaeus, 1758) Suresh M. Kumbar Gender and income differences in economic dependency among urban aged persons in Assam Anita Baruwa, Nayanmoni Borgohain Baruah Elderly living arrangements: insights from North-East India Shrabanti Maity, Anup Sinha, Sajal Nag Prevalence and determinants of psychological stress of elderly in Bangladesh: A cross sectional study Md. Taj Uddin, Ahmad Kabir, Md Nazrul Islam Geriatric mental health in indian prospective: Challenges, research and management Pradeep Kumar, Rishi Panday, Sushma Rathee, Ashish Malik, Rajiv Gupta Health status of the elderly: Pradicaments and prospects in urban Odisha Priyaranjan Behera Assessing home safety in homebound older adults belonging to upper and middle socio-economic status Shivani Chowdhury, Salian, Twinkle Karia Top |
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