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International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Year 2024, Volume-14, Issue-2 (April)
Print ISSN: 2394-6962
Online ISSN: 2250-0758

Table of Contents

The State of Income Tax on Rent in Zambia: The Way Forward
Muziya Mutungwa and Erastus Mwanaumo

Exploring Factors Influencing the Financial Success of Public and Private Life Insurers in India
Spoorthy Reddy M and Michael Yuivamung Zimik

Personal AI Companion Voice Assistant
Keshava Gowtham NS, Deepak V Ingale, Harshitha N, Adithya S, Nithish Rao H D and V Venkatesh

Visualizing Bibliometric Networks on Green Advertising Literature: What we know and what we do not know
Prithvi Natesan Paulraj GS and Anna Joy

Hospital Management using Gin Framework
Sona S, Thashmigaa E M and Menaha C.

Examining E-Government Procurement System Adoption by Procuring Entities in Zambia
Chabilo Bubala and Dr. Christine Lesa

Nagjua– Innovative Landscape, Affordable Luxury: A Real-Life Case Study on Real Estate Giant- Nagjua Developers
Shubham Soni, Aditya Padhyar and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey

A Study of the Effect of Monetary Policy and International Reserves on Zambia’s Economic Growth
Richard Mukelabai and Lubinda Haabazoka

IoT Based Real Time Applications: Smart Irrigation in Agriculture
Praba. R, Kanimozhi. N, Madhankumar. V and Kamalesh V.S

Polarization Insensitive Ultra-Wideband ITO Coated PET Based Metamaterial Microwave Absorber
Krishangopal, Deepak Sood and Monish Gupta

A Study of the Effect of Firm Size on the Financial Performance of LuSE Listed Companies
Pumulo Maila and Kiru Sichoongwe

Wireless Control System for A Smart Robot
Shrikanth Shirakol, Apeksha Konnur, Nikhil V Jujaganv, Revanasiddappa and Rakshita Tembadmani

Arduino Based Smart Solar Mower
Virendra Swaroop Sangtani, Krati Lakhani, Kartik Soni, Kanishk Pratap Singh Rathore, Dushyant Kalodia and Karan Vashishth

Optimization of Concrete Mix Design for UPVC Tube Encased Columns: A Study
Ashish Redhu

Mathematical and Machine Learning Based Methods for UAV Simulation: A Systematic Literature Review
Shehan Amarasooriya and Damitha Sandaruwan

Machine Learning-Based System for Weather Prediction and Air Quality Index Estimation
Adnan Mohammed, S. Roshan Zameer, Umar Chowdhry and Dr. Ashok Kumar

Role of Retail Channel Management Strategy – In Context of Indian Automobile Dealerships Satisfaction
Sujay Bhalchandra and N.D. Shinde

A Review of Smoke Quitting Ring using AI
Vanshika Bali, Pooja Sehgal and Dr. Ratandeep Kaur

Large Language Model (LLM) AI Text Generation Detection based on Transformer Deep Learning Algorithm
Yuhong Mo, Hao Qin, Yushan Dong, Ziyi Zhu and Zhenglin Li

Optical Character Recognition from Images
Angel, Jean Jisha M and Vijayalakshmi Shivkhumar

Collective Research Review on Chaotic Based Encryption Algorithms, Speech Encryption Algorithms and Cryptographic Requirements
Pushpalatha G S and Dr. Ramesh S

The Beard Culture: Analysing Youngster’s Preferences and Perceptions in Odisha
Prof. Debasish Rout, Dr. Somabhusana Janakiballav Mishra, Prof. Debabrata Sahoo and Tejaswini Kantha

E-Waste Recycling in Delhi NCR
Mrs. Deepika and Dr. Mayank Jindal


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