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Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Year 2003, Volume-24, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 0970-9320
Online ISSN: 0974-0147

Table of contents

Review Article

Yeasts as Animal Pathogens
S.K. Jand, Paviter Kaur and N.S. Sharma

Research Articles

Detection of Chicken Anaemia Virus and Avian Reovirus by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Fluorescent Antibody Test in Various Tissues from Experimentally Co-Infected Chicks
Nitin Bhardwaj, J.M. Kataria, K. Dhama, S. Arthur Sylvester and N. Senthilkumar

Comparative Efficacy of Three Serological Tests for Antigenic Characterization of FMD virus Type "O" Isolates
Sanjoy Sarma and D.K. Sarma

Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Fluorescent Antibody Technique for the Diagnosis of Inclusion Body Hepatitis-Hydropericardium Syndrome (IBH-HPS) caused by Fowl Adenovirus Serotype-4
S. Rahul, J.M. Kataria, N. SenthilKumar, K. Dhama, B.B. Dash, R. Uma and B.N. Praveen

Purification of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Propagated in Embryonated Chickens Eggs and its Confirmation by RT-PCR
S. Arthur Sylvester, J.M. Kataria, K. Dhama, S. Rahul, Nitin Bhardwaj and S. Tomar

Characterization of an Indian Isolate of Turkey Pox Virus
Alka Singh, B.B. Dash, J.M. Kataria, S. Dandapat and K. Dhama

Diagnosis of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides type LC Infection by Polymerase Chain Reaction
Manoj Kumar M., V.P. Singh, N.C. Srivastava and Bhaskar Sharma

Seroprevalence of Leptospirosis in Animals and Human Beings in Various Regions of the Country
S.K. Srivastava and A.A. Kumar

A study on Biotyping, Bacteriocin Typing and Drug Resistogram of Salmonella Paratyphi B Isolates of Indian Origin from Animals, their Products and Environment
Meenu Agarwal, B.R. Singh, M.C. Santoshi, V.P. Singh and Mudit Chandra

Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Organisms in Clinical Samples of Cattle by PCR and DNA Probe Methods
B. Sreedevi and G. Krishnappa

Immunogenicity of a Single Intranasal Dose of IBD Vaccine Based on Poly-Lactide-Co-Glycolide (PLG) Microparticles in Broiler Chickens
S. Dandapat, Rajan, D. Banerjee, B.B. Dash, J.M. Kataria, and M.P. Yadav

Induction of Mucosal Immunity in Poultry after Oral Immunization with a Single Dose of Microencapsulated EDS-76 Virus
S. Dandapat, D. Banerjee, Rajan, J.M. Kataria, G.C. Ram and M.P. Yadav

Studies on Certain Antibacterial Peptides in Goat Polymorphonuclear Cells
Sandeep Kumar, S. Nandi, T. More and S. Kaur

Short Communications

Sequence Analysis of the Cleavage Site-Encoding Region of the Fusion Protein Gene of Newcastle Disease Viruses Obtained from Pigeon, Guinea Fowl and Quail
N. Senthilkumar, J.M. Kataria, K. Dhama and R. Toroghi

Cultivation of Fowl Adenovirus 4 in Chick Embryo Liver Cell Culture and Purification of the Virus by Ultracentrifugation
S. Barua and A. Rai

Comparative Efficacy of Diagnostic Assays to Study Canine Parvovirus Infection in Diarrhoeic Dogs
M.M. Tajpara and M.K. Jhala

PCR Based Differentiation of Mycoplasma bovis from other Mycoplasmas
Sanjoy Das, Vijendra P. Singh, Manoj Kumar M. and V.P. Singh

Occurrence of Zoonotic Shigatoxin-Producing Escherichia coli Among Human and Animals
R.S. Rathore,V.N. Bachhil, R.K. Agarwal and K.N. Kapoor

Contamination of Fermented Foods with Bacillus cereus and its Biotyping
R.S. Prasad and Md. Kalimuddin

Bacteriological Quality of Semen from Garole Rams and Black Bengal Bucks
S. Chattaraj, S. Basu, S.N. Joardar, A.K. Sahoo and P.K. Das

Isolation of Aerobic Bacteria in Frozen Semen of Cattle and Buffaloes
S. Kapoor

Antibacterial Activity of Aqueous Extract of Flowers of Butea frondosa koen ex roxb (Palas)
D.R. Kalorey, Shubhangi Warke and P.S. Sakhare

Pseudomonas as an Aetiology of Pyometra in Lioness
B.M. Chandranaik, B.R. Harish, M.D. Venkatesh, C. Renukaprasad, S.R. Jayakumar and G. Krishnappa


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