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International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management
Year 2015, Volume-3, Issue-1 (January–March)
Print ISSN : 2347-8632

Table of contents

Research Articles

A Qualitative Study to Assess the Needs and Problems of High School Children with Asthma and Epilepsy
Dr. Prof. J Janet, Dr. K.R. Biju

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Menopause among Menopausal Women in Selected Rural Areas in Faridabad
Akoijam Mamata Devi, Sunil Kumar Dular, Ritu Yadav

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on selected Aspects of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI's)
Mr. Girish Degavi, Mr. Vasanth Damalli, Prabhu Jevoor

Effectiveness of Planned Health Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Rabies and it's Management among 10–15 years students of Bhandu Rural Area, Mehsana District, Gujarat.
K. Jeenath Justin Doss

Experienced Stressors and Coping Strategies among Nursing Students – A Correlation with State Anxiety
Rajesh Kumar

Effectiveness of Mind Mapping vs Lecture Method on Learning regarding Physiological Changes during Pregnancy among Nursing Students.
Prof. (Mrs) R. Nalini, Ms. Neha Maria Joy

Self Esteem of Professionals
Ms. T.K. Kiruthika, Ms. Flora

A Descriptive Study on Knowledge and Attitude With Respect to Physical Activity During Pregnancy among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic, KLE'S Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belgaum
Asha V. Bhat

Effect of Lavender Oil Massage on Lumbosacral Region for Labour Pain and Progress among Primiparturients
Ms. I. Reena, Dr. S.J. Nalini

Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Self- Care Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus among Antenatal Women Visiting Selected Antenatal Clinic at Mangalore”
Ms. K.R. Smitha, Mrs. Sandhya D'Almeida

A Study for the Screening of Anaemia among the Women (18-45yrs) in Selected Rural Areas of Mysore with a View to Develop an Information Booklet
Mr. G Vinay Kumar, Mrs. Nisha P Nair

A Study to Assess the Functional Health Status of the Elderly at Selected Urban Areas in Coimbatore.
J. Jean Tresa

Review Article

Ethical Principles and Decision Making
T.K. Ajesh Kumar, Anju R. Pillai

Research Articles

Prevalence of Malnutrition among under five Children
Dr. K. Maheswari, Dr. V. Selvanayaki

Assess the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Resuscitation of Newborn Among the Staff Nurses Working in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Mr. MH Mahaling

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Protein Energy Malnutrition among the Mothers of under Five-Year Children in Selected Anganwadi at Nandasan, Gujarat
Rajesh Joshi

Vaccines Other Than Specified in National Immunization Schedule among Parents of under-five Children
Ritu Yadav

Dialysis and Exercise: A Perfect Match
A Swapna Mary, Dr. N Gayathri Priya


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