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Indian Explorer of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Purvanchal Univerisity Academy Of Social Sciences & Humanities
Print ISSN: 2320-2963
Online ISSN:
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: IESSH was established in 2012 and it is published by Purvannchal Academy of Social Sciences & Humanities (PASSH) Jaunpur, U.P. (India) in association with Purvanchal University Jaunpur U.P. IESSH is a half -yearly peer-reviewed journal of Social Sciences and Humanities and accepts research paper in English and Hindi languages both. A number of scholars of international repute from the different fields of Social Sciences & Humanities are associated with it. IESSH promotes quality research in different field of social sciences and humanities and also provides an interdisciplinary platform for meeting the related scholars to share the recent studies in their areas and exchange the knowledge of their interest.
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