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Biotech Today
Year 2023, Volume-13, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 2319-2186
Online ISSN : 2322-0996

Table of contents RSS Feed

Review and Research Article

The impact of climate change on vegetable production
Tazeem Fatma Jafri, Khursheed Hussain, Anil Kumar, Sumati Narayan, Mohd Faruk, Harshavardhan M. Totawar, Arizoo, Sonika Jaryal

Investigating protein-ligand interactions for crystal structure of NSP 15 endoribonuclease from SARS CoV-2 against caffeine
Keshav Singh, Vivek Kumar Srivastava, Ashish Shukla

Optimization of pectinase and cellulase production from microorganisms isolated from agriculture waste
Aditya Pathak, Akriti Gaurav, Pankaj Chauhan, Neelesh Kapoor, R. S. Sengar

Zinc induced oxidative stress and hepatoarchietectural changes in fresh water fish Channa punctatus
Abha Trivedi, Jumman Bakhasha, Kamlesh K. Yadav, Vaishnavi Saxena, Neeti, Swaika Yadav

Watercore and fruit quality of apple cultivars as influenced by harvesting time and calcium sprays
Farooq Ahmad Khan, Amit Kumar, Sumati Narayan Faheemullah Khan, Astha

Understanding the impact of terminal heat stress on wheat: Physiological, molecular, and agronomic perspectives
Prafulla Kumar, Ravindra Kumar, Sushmita, R. S. Sengar

Modulation of morphological and biochemical attributes in Stevia rebaudiana via foliar application of salicylic acid
Sanjeev Kumar Maurya, Alok Srivastava, Sanjay Kumar Garg

Varietal evaluation of Gerbera under shade net condition in Prayagraj agroclimatic condition
Purva Chaturvedi, Devi Singh, C. John Wesley

Impact assessment of magnesium in the ground soil and suspended particulate matter in the ambient air of Kumaun region of lesser Himalayas
Ashok Kumar Raghav

Eucalyptus globulus essential oil: A promising antifungal agent for Candida albicans
Surya Pratap Singh, Shivani Singh, R.S. Sengar

Optimization of parameters for biotic production of citric acid
Shilpi Singh

Discovery, metabolism and importance of auxins and cytokinins: The plant growth regulators
Akanksha Singh, R S Sengar, Shailendra Pratap Singh, Vikas singh, Shalani Gupta, Neelesh Kapoor, Mukesh Kumar, Vaishali, M. K. Yadav, Reshu Chaudhary

A review on biological biochemical elucidations: Techniques and technologies
Shivanshu Garg, Pooja Nain, Himanshu Punetha

Biosurfactant production using mustard cake and Bacillus subtilis
Abhinav Singh, Yashi Rathi, Baby Verma, Neelesh Kapoor, Rakesh Singh Sengar

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