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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year 2011, Volume-1, Issue-1 (October)
Online ISSN : 2249–7323

Table of contents

An empirical study in Indian share market using neural network and genetic algorithm
Arnab Kumar Ghoshal, Tuhin Mukherjee, Satyajit Dhar

Disinvestment and Indian economy
Dr. T. Satyanarayana Chary, G. Ravi Kumar, Shaik Masood

Efficacy of commercial banks in India-an analysis
M. Syed Ibrahim

A comparative analysis of sources of output growth, factor substitution and technical progress in the manufacturing industries of India VIS-À-VIS the USA
Vidya Rajaram Iyer

A study on customer satisfaction on delivery mechanism of public distribution system in select districts of Tamilnadu
Vidya Rajaram Iyer, Devi Kalyani J, Aishwarya N


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