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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2001, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 39) Last page : ( 50)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963.

Performance of crossbred calves on acid processed or copper and iodine supplemented high glucosinolate mustard meal incorporated diets

Tripathi M.K.*, Agrawal I.S., Sharma S.D.

Department of Animal Science GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar 263 145, India

*Reprint request: Division of Animal Nutrition. Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar - 304501, India. Tel: +91-1437-28072: Fax; +91-1437-28163; E-mail mktripathi@cswri.raj.nic.in

Received:  11  June,  2000.


The Performance of growing calves was assessed on hydrochloric acid (HCI) treated (16 ml HCI per kg meal raising the moisture content to nearly 40 percent, diffused for 72 hrs. followed by heating at 180°C for 2h, (T2), copper and iodine supplemented (500 mg each per kg meal as CuSO, and KI, respectively (T3) and untreated mustard (Brassica juncea) meal (T4) incorporated diets, completely replacing soybean meal of control diet (T1), in a 24 weeks growth trial, with 6 crossbred (Jersey × Sahiwal) calves in each treatment. The calves fed T2 diet gained more weight (P<0.05) as compared to those on T1 diet. The ADG was the highest in T2 (413g), followed by T3 (339g), T1 (3289) and T4 (1949). HCI treatment, copper and iodine supplementation improved DM intake and digestibility of nutrients. The DCP and ME intake per unit metabolic body size was similar (P>0.05) among soybean meal, HCI treated and copper and iodine supplemented groups, but was higher (P<0.05) as compared to untreated mustard meal diet. Body composition of calves in four groups was similar; the total body water, protein and fat content ranged, respectively, from 45.6 to 59.6, 12.6 to 16.8 and 18.6 to 35.8 per cent of the body weight. Mustard meal after HCI treatment can be utilized as suitable substitute for soybean meal in the diet of growing crossbred calves.


Key words

Mustard meal, Glucosinolate, Copper, Iodine, HCI treatment, Calves.


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