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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 72) Last page : ( 82)
Online ISSN : 2231-5780.

Green Human Resource Management

Dr. Pillai Rajasshrie*, Dr. Sivathanu Brijesh**

*Assistant Professor, Indira Global Business School, Pune

**Assistant Professor, Indira Institute of Management, Pune

Online published on 11 April, 2014.


There is a growing need for the integration of environmental management into Human Resource Management (HRM) – Green HRM.

The term ‘green HR’ is most often used to refer to the contribution of people management policies and practices towards the broader corporate environmental agenda. Typical green activities include video recruiting, or the use of online and video interviews, to minimize travel requirements. Green rewards can include the use of workplace and lifestyle benefits, ranging from carbon credit offsets to free bicycles, to engage people in the green agenda, while continuing to recognize their contribution. While many employees often feel it is not their responsibility to protect the environment while they are at work, the new workforce of the millennium are emphasizing on environmental management consciousness as they choose their employers. There is also a broader opportunity to engage the workforce, given that more and more people seek meaning and self-actualization in their jobs.

This paper focuses primarily on the excellent Green HR Practices followed by the organizations globally. The author explains the concept and meaning of Green HRM. This paper highlights the challenges and benefits of green HRM and overviews the Green HR Process Model. The author surveys the HR managers to understand the implementation of green HR at the workplace. Finally, the author attempts to suggest innovative strategies for Green HRM.



Green HR practices, Challenges and benefits, Environment management, Green HR process model, Green Workplace.


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