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Year : 2014, Volume : 1, Issue : 2
First page : ( 117) Last page : ( 122)
Print ISSN : 2322-0414. Online ISSN : 2322-0422. Published online : 2014  1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2322-0422.2014.00526.8

To Study the Etiological Factors Responsible for Infertility

Sharma Sakshi1,,*, Sharma Sanjeev2, Sangwan Krishna3, Jindal Monika1, Pandotra Poonam4, Bhavna4

1Assistant Professor, Department of Obsterics and Gynecology, Maharishi Markandeshwer Medical College and Hospital, Kumarhatti, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

4Senior Resident, Department of Obsterics and Gynecology, Maharishi Markandeshwer Medical College and Hospital, Kumarhatti, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

2Assistant Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Maharishi Markandeshwer Medical College and Hospital, Kumarhatti, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

3Professor Department of Obsterics and Gynecology, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala-133001, Haryana

*Corresponding author email id: drsakshi_84@yahoo.com


Background: Infertility is a medical problem that affects a vast proportion of the world's young population (10–15%). Infertility is a multifactorial condition. Investigations and treatment of infertility are always time consuming, expensive and in developing countries raise moral problem to the female side. Objectives: Identification of the causative factors contributing to infertility; providing information and education to the ignorant couple regarding basics of conception. Material and Methods: The present prospective study was conducted on 60 couples attending the outpatient Department. Patients included were married women between 18 to 34 of age. Routine and special investigations including endometrial Biopsy, HSG, and diagnostic laparoscopy wherever indicated were done. Semen analysis was done in all the males studied. Results: Out of 60 couples with infertility, 70% women were of primary infertility and 30% with secondary infertility. Majority of primary infertility cases 40.5%belonged to the age group of 21 -25 years and that of secondary infertility 33.3% belonged to the age group of 26–30 years. On USG, Polycystic ovarian syndrome was accounted in 25% of cases, chocolate cyst of ovary in 6.7%, and fibroid in 10% cases. Oligospermia was found in 31.7% and azoospermia in 3.3% of cases. Tubal factors were found in 35% and ovarian factors in 46.8% of cases respectively. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed in 20 cases, tubal factors 10% contributed to majority of patients followed by peritoneal factors 55%.Unexplained infertility was diagnosed in 10% and combined factors were responsible for 11.7% of cases respectively. Conclusion: Causative factors leading to infertility in the present study are the ovarian factors, followed by peritoneal factors, tubal factors and male factors. Overall combined factors were found in 11% and unexplained infertility accounted for 10% of cases. Furthermore, it has been concluded that diagnostic laparoscopy possibly should be done in all the cases.



Endometrial biopsy, HSG, Diagnostic Laparoscopy, HSG, Infertility, USG .


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