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International Journal of Managment, IT and Engineering
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 7
First page : ( 432) Last page : ( 456)
Online ISSN : 2249-0558.

A Complete Metrics Based View to Estimate Software Quality in Component based System

 Vanish, Mr. Sharma Manmohan

Online published on 26 June, 2013.


Most of the applications in today's IT industry are developed with the help of existing codes, libraries, design, open source etc. As the code is accessed in a program it is represented as the software component. Code is a ready to use component in programming. Developing software with the help of existing component or code is called software reusability. These components can be code, architecture, documents, designs etc. While using these components the main question arises whether to use such components is worth full or not which means reusing these components increases or decreases the quality of the software. In this proposed work i have made an attempt to answer this question. In this work i am presenting a set of software metrics that will check the interconnection between the software components and the application. How strong this relation defines the software quality after using this software component. For this to be happen work i have taken four components having interconnection between them. After applying software metrics on them i will be able to suggest which component will increase the quality of the software produced. The overall metrics will return the final result in terms of the dependencies of the component with application. No doubt many techniques have been developed to estimate the quality of the software but my approach will estimate the quality of software with the help of a concept called Software Reusability. As I earlier said software reuse is the process of developing software systems using existing software assets. Good software reuse always results in the increase of productivity, quality, reliability and the decrease of costs as well as implementation time. No doubt initial investment is definitely required to start some software reuse process but that investment will automatically recover itself in few reuses. The development of a software reuse process always improves the quality of software after every reuse, minimizing the amount of development work and time required for future projects and ultimately reducing the risk of new projects that are based on repository knowledge. Reuse eventually saves our time and money and will ultimately lead to a more stable and reliable product. The benefits from reusing abstract product of development process such as specifications and designs may be greater than those from reusing code components. On the other hand it will be more convenient for developers if they already know the complexity of reused components. This will not only reduce the efforts required but also we can use our available resources in some other tasks.



Components, Reusability, Quality, Estimation, Metrics, Complexity.


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