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Water and Energy International
Year : 2017, Volume : 60r, Issue : 9
First page : ( 63) Last page : ( 66)
Print ISSN : 0974-4207. Online ISSN : 0974-4711.

Resource Conservation Techniques in Crop Production

Meena B.S., Kishor Kaushal, Kumari Sunita, Gautam Pragya

Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, India

Online published on 25 January, 2018.


Indian agriculture has been successful in achieving the food grain production about 252.23 mt due to impact of green revolution, but the productivity increase of the major staple food crops such as rice and wheat remained low. It is due to overexploitation of natural resources particularly water, excessive use of chemical fertilizers & pesticides leads to deterioration of physical condition of soil. These result into yield stagnation causing concern about the future potential for productivity and sustainability. Thus the major challenges before us to innovate appropriate technologies to produce more food from diminished land and water resources for the burgeoning population pressure and to improve as well as conserve natural resources wisely.

Resources Conserving Technologies (RCTs) conserve the resources and produce more output with less input. It aims at reversing the process of degradation inherent to the conventional agricultural practices like intensive cultivation, burning or removal of crop residues, aggressive seed bed preparation with heavy machineries lead to declining the fertility, biodiversity and erosion. There are different challenges in crop production like declining ground water table, deterioration in soil fertility and soil physical environment, high energy requirements and increases air and ground water pollution, so there is need to proper utilizes resources and conserve them by use of RCTs practices like Zero tillage, Residues management, Laser land leveling, SRI in rice, FIRBs, Leaf color chart for nitrogen management. RCTs produce more with less use of input/resources.



RCTs, Emerging challenges in Crop Production, Conservation Agriculture, SRI and Nutrients Management.


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