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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 8
First page : ( 1904) Last page : ( 1909)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.02129.6

Functional Disorders in the Respiratory System in Adolescents with Bronchial Asthma

Karpov V. Yu.1, Medvedev I. N.1,*, Romanova A. V.1, Usov S. S.1, Kozyakov R. V.2

1Russian State Social University, st. V. Pika, 4, Moscow, Russia, 129226

2Gzel State University, Moscow region, Ramensky district, Settlement Elektroizolyator, 67, 140155

*Corresponding Author: Medvedev Ilya Nikolaevich, Russian State Social University, St. V. Pika, 4, Moscow, Russia, 129226, Phone: +79102732263, Email: ilmedv1@yandex.ru

Online published on 26 September, 2019.


Currently, bronchial asthma is one of the most common diseases in childhood and adolescence, capable of consistently worsening the quality of life of patients, and in severe cases it leads to disability. Despite the fairly widespread prevalence of bronchial asthma in adolescents, the specifics of disorders in them in the external respiration system require clarification. For this reason, an additional examination of patients in this category was conducted. The aim of the work is to assess the impairment of the functional state of the respiratory system in adolescents suffering from bronchial asthma. The study involved 38 adolescents aged 13–14 years suffering from at least 5 years of moderate bronchial asthma without signs of respiratory failure. At the time of the examination, the disease in the examined adolescents was in a state of unstable remission. The control group consisted of 20 adolescents of the same age, clinically completely healthy. For adolescents with asthma is characterized by a decrease in lung capacity and bronchial diameter of any caliber. This inevitably leads even in adolescents suffering from at least 5 years of bronchial asthma, to a marked decrease in the functional capabilities of the respiratory apparatus. It became clear that early in this disease, resistance of the respiratory center to hypoxia and weakening of the adaptive capacity of the entire respiratory system occurs. In adolescents with bronchial asthma, all the identified disorders lead to an increase in the functional weakness of their respiratory and circulatory systems, and, consequently, they form a low resistance to hypoxia even at a young age.



Respiratory system, bronchi, lungs, bronchial asthma, adolescents.


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