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Browse Publisher (National Association of Psychological Science)

The National Association of Psychological Science (NAPS) has been established in 2010. This is an endeavour for the development, representation and advancement of different areas of psychology as a science. Many national or international associations are functioning in psychology but the new association in the present scenario is an effort to introduce scientific platform of professionalism in psychology. The aim of the association is to promote, advance and disseminate the interests of scientifically oriented psychological research and application for benefit of an individual and society concern. The National Association of Psychological Science will provide the platform for the scholarly exchange research in different areas of psychology and allied disciplines. The NAPS strives towards a full development of individuals and groups within the distinct scope of individual and group lives. To promote the aims and objectives, the association is publishing a bi-annually research journal namely “Indian Journal of Psychological Science.

Editorial Office - National Association of Psychological Science
Department of Psychology, Punjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh. India
Email: managingeditorijps@gmail.com
Phone: 91-9417882789, 91-9417723474

Open Access
No. of publication(s) available for this publisher: 1
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