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Water and Energy Abstracts
Year : 2004, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 20) Last page : ( 20)
Print ISSN : 0021-1672.

43. The Available Hydropotential of Croatia

Rupcic B.

(Proceedings, Hydro 2003, Vol. I, Croatia, pp. 413–420).


The hydropotential of the Croatian medium and large streams could be harnessed in some 60 hydroelectric power plants with total installed power of 1400 MW and average annual output of approximately 6550 GWh. Since part of this hydropotential belongs to the rivers bordering with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Slovenia, the Croatian share is 1027.5 MW of power and 4614.5 GWh of average annual output. The paper gives an overview of the gross potential of major streams and a technically feasible hydropotential, along with an overview of the major hydroelectric power plants considered for development. Use of the remaining hydropotential is included in the integrated development and use of the river and its valley, and thus asks for multipurpose concept. Such a project should be developed and implemented through participation of all the stakeholders and future users of the system. The unused hydropotential of Croatia would be harnessed by some 60 hydroelectric power plants, with total installed power 1400 MW and average annual output of approximately 6550 GWh, out of which 1027.5 MW of power and 4614.5 GWh of average annual output belong to Croatia, which is a considerable contribution to the Croatian power system. These power sources are important because they are multipurpose projects intended to bring the environmental improvement and embetterment of the living conditions. The river valley development will result in development of agriculture, water supply and leisure industry. These are the environmentally acceptable concepts based on harnessing of renewable resources which contribute to the environmental improvement and development. An important factor is their role in water supply, since they will ensure sufficient quantities of water for the future generations. The national institutions should assume their share of responsibility in encouraging and initiating of such multipurpose projects, both in project preparation and by drawing up and harmonization of laws and regulations. The public sector, on the other hand, must assume a role of the project developer up to the stage of the concession award tenders and must ensure the contract conditions for long-term purchase of the system products at guaranteed price.



Hydropotential, Rivers, Hydroelectric power plants.


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