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Water and Energy Abstracts
Year : 2004, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 18) Last page : ( 19)
Print ISSN : 0021-1672.

41. Hydropower, the Way of Sustainable Energy Development in Iran

Dr. Gharavy M.

(Proceedings, Hydro 2003, Vol. I, Croatia, pp. 1321).


The sustainable use of water and hydro energy in Iran is a testimony to the continuing and systematic way of thinking of the Iranians in the past and now days. Building and the operation of Qantas, invention of Persian wheel and mill 3000 years ago and continuing the same to the present for water resource management and hydropower development can be related to the natural conditions of this dry and semi dry country. Increase in population prompted development of dam and hydropower construction. Considerable progress has been made thereafter during the course of water resources and hydropower development in Iran. Iran is a country in south of Asia, between 44o02’ and 63o20’E longitude and 25o03’ to 39o46’N latitude. The country has an area of 1648,000 km2 boarded by the Caspian sea on the north, the Persian Gulf and the Oman sea on the south, Zagross mountains, Arvand river on the west and Pamir mountains on the northeast. Due to different topographic conditions and a variety of entering air masses, different climates are observed in the country. This paper deals with the necessity of water resources development in the world and in Iran. Considering the demand for the energy and sustainable development needs to pay more attention to the development of hydropower schemes to meet both lack of energy production and shortage of water supply in the country. Rapid economic growth and industrial expansion, high rates of population increases and urbanization and the substitution of non-commercial fuels by commercial fuels are the main factors behind the increase in demand in developing countries. Low energy prices in many developing countries also play apart, although this factor will become less important on the assumption that governments reduce subsidies. However, the uneven distribution of per capita energy use between industrialized and developing countries is not likely to change much over the projection period. IEA survey indicates that electricity demand grows faster than any other end use fuel. It also predicts increase in the share of electricity from about 15% in 1999 to 20% in 2020. Non OECD region may have highest increase in energy demand, with 19% share in final energy demand in 2020. Many sources of electrical energy will be necessary to meet the increasing share of electricity consumption. For environmental reasons, however, the first priority should be the development of all technically feasible potential from clean renewable sources especially hydropower. Energy generation based on fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) is responsible for emission of green house gases to the atmosphere, carbon dioxide from combustion and methane emissions from the extraction and transport of natural gas. Green house gas emissions will lead to major climate changes and will, therefore, have consequences on the hydrological system (and thus on water supply and agriculture) as well as on sea level. The challenge is clear, an inevitable increase in energy consumption in the world with the risk of a major environmental impact and climate change as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels. However, the challenge has to be met by OECD countries also. It may be noted that 52.8% of the total CO2 emission of 23,172 MT in 1999, 52.8% was contributed by the OECD countries, remaining 47.2% was from Non OECD countries like Non OECD Europe, China, USSR, Asia and Africa etc. At present (August 2003) in IRAN, the contribution of hydropower plants to the national power grid is about 11.3%. Due to lower operational costs and longer life of the equipments and also low environmental impacts, the trend is to increase the above mentioned share to about 19% (10,000 MW) in the third & fourth economic development plans of the country (up to 2005 and 2010). This is the only way of sustainable energy development in IRAN, development of the hydropower plants is our promotion.



Hydropower, Qantas, Persian wheel, Dam, Energy.


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