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Resources, Energy, and Development
Year : 2004, Volume : 1, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( v) Last page : ( v)
Print ISSN : 0973-0516.


Pachauri R K, Director-General, TERI


The launch of a new journal often raises the question, ‘Why another journal?’ It would be valid to ask this question on the launch of this new journal as well. However, there are some special reasons, which distinguish this initiative from several others that may have been launched in the past. First, this journal is really a product of the consolidation of two regular journals published by TERI in the past few years, namely the Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy and the Journal of Environmental Studies and Policy. Second, most journals in the fields to be covered by this new product are generally narrower in focus than what is intended in the case of Resources, Energy, and Development.

Recent work in dealing with each of the subjects included in this journal clearly establishes the need for a comprehensive and continuing series related to the management of natural resources and energy and their vital linkages with development.

The global effort that has been witnessed in the last decade-and-a-half in translating the objectives and concept of sustainable development into practice clearly requires a more precise definition of how sustainable development should - in a coordinated manner - guide policies related to natural resources, the development of energy solutions that minimize harmful environmental impacts and, of course, the critical objective of bringing about economic development in different parts of the globe, particularly those areas where poverty has become an endemic problem. The imperative need for understanding the integrated nature of the connection between these elements of the system - both at the global as well as the local levels - requires comprehensive inclusion of a range of subjects that dot the scene covering energy, natural resources, and development.

It is gratifying that the first issue of this journal not only includes papers of very high quality but also an extensive range of subjects that underline the theme of this journal. Particularly gratifying is the focus of some of the papers on the situation existing in developing countries. It is these nations that are facing a major challenge in achieving healthy rates of growth while, at the same time, ensuring that their natural resource wealth is not degraded and that energy solutions permeate not only the modern sectors of the economy but also the lowest levels of the social structure in a manner that ensures equity, efficiency, and sustainability— thus meeting the energy needs of vast and deprived millions of people.

A journal is dependent entirely on the calibre of the contributors whose papers it reviews and publishes. It would be the attempt of the editorial team of this journal to see that the excellent quality demonstrated in this inaugural issue is actually enhanced in every subsequent one. We hope that this newly born product will grow and thrive with the interest and participation of distinguished professionals who have an abiding commitment to the issues that would be addressed in this journal. We also hope that this would be truly a global venture but with specific focus on the challenges facing developing societies.


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