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International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences
Year : 2014, Volume : 3, Issue : 2
First page : ( 82) Last page : ( 88)
Online ISSN : 2278-6236.

Rethinking of marketing: insights from a public sector service provider (BSNL) in India

Dr Menon Sreeekumar D

Sub Divisional Engineer (E4), BSNL, Vakathanam, Kottayam, Kerala

Online published on 7 June, 2014.


Marketing strategy is a method of focusing an organization energies and resources on a course of action which can lead to increased sales and dominance of a targeted market niche.

BSNL (old DOT) is the first telecom service provider in India and seventh largest one in the world have some marketing strategies for acquiring the market position at present. They are technology strategy, customer orientation strategy, restructuring of organization on business type and pricing strategy.

By following the strategies it achieved the following;

Source: TRAI site

Wire line base is reducing drastically day by day, All over India market share reducing, it is going on heavy loss and customer loosing their believes scope and faith in BSNL.

To revoke from this position rethinking of policies and strategies is required. Marketing strategies to be redefined in cop up with present scenario.

Salary cost in 2007–2008 was 8809 crores. Staff cost(salary cost) in 2011–12 was about 13406 crores. It is about almost 50% of its revenue. But in a private company its expenditure range is from 5–10% for salary.

Following rethinking is suggested for improving the market of BSNL.(1) Circle wise targets to be given to each circle. Output based salary and allowances to be implemented. (2)In BSNL 50% of the income is using for giving salary to the staff. As per Sam pitorda panel report VRS to be implemented so that the income can be utilized for other development activities.(3) Any type of medical allowances to be given through by tie up with some insurance companies. Age limit to be fixed for major medical expenses. (4)More propaganda to be given for marketing BSNL products as it is far better than any other operators tariffs.(5)Business diversification to be initiated like converting training centres to engineering colleges Free land is available in big cities to be effectively utilized. (6)External plant maintenance should be given to AMC like engine alternator, AC etc. This will arrest the closing of telephone, TRAI norms can be achieved in ARPU, fault clearance etc.



Marketing, strategies, customers, vision, mission, rethinking.


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