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Year : 2019, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 7)
Print ISSN : 2582-4627. Online ISSN : 2582-7529. Published online : 2019 February 24.

Impact of competition law on inclusive growth in india: A legal study

Saini Jaswant*Dr.Assistant Professor, Kumar Satish**Research Scholar

*Faculty of Law, M.D. University, Rohtak, Email: onscorporate@rediffmail.com, Mob.: 9416358770

**Law Deptt., M.D. University, Rohtak, Email: sainisatishkumar@gmail.com, Mob.: 9034537004


In the developing world, elimination ofpoverty and improving the distribution of welfare is a common goal across the countries. India has succeeded outstanding economic growth during the last two decades. Unfortunately, the growth has not found into human development that has to be the prevailing persistence of the public welfare. Fast and identical poverty reduce requires inclusive growth that allows public to supply to an advantage from economic growth. To ensure that the benefits of market liberalization reach the poor, the Niti Commission of India has rightly adopted ‘inclusive growth’ as a regulatory principle. The innovative step is that inclusive growth is attainable: all it needs is a trigger to spark a nationwide revolution in improvement. Competition law can provide that spark. By restriction the abuse of dominance, it opens the environment for radical innovators to achieve the identical objectives of offering new technologies and better products at lower costs and break down the old technology at present. Competi tion law enhances efficiency, promotes improvement and leads to wider product choice and better quality, thereby improving consumer welfare. Competition policy may play a significant role in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth and development1. The objective of this article is to observe how competition policy and law could promote such goals. Inclusive growth involves comprehensive and common growth, and pro-poor development. It decreases the fast growth rate of poverty in a country and upsurges the participation of people into the development of the country. Inclusive growth infers an impartial distribution of resources with certain benefits sustained to every section of the society. But the division of resources must be focused on the intended short and long duration benefits of the society such as accessibility of consumer goods, people access, employment, standard of living etc. Inclusive growth is defined by many jurist or academicians as the key factor of growth, which is considered, interfaced with competition law policies, and therefore in need to be addressed together.



Alleviating Poverty, Impartial Distribution, Accessibility.


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