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Delhi Business Review
Year 2011, Volume-12, Issue-1 (January – June)
Print ISSN : 0972-222X

Table of contents

Exploring frontline conflicts at higher education institutions
Katalin Jäckel

The essence of cognition in quantum Worldview the necessity of teaching in University with a Trans-disciplinary perspective
Saeid Zarghamihamrah

Impact of globalization of higher education in the UAE
P.K. Baburajan

The impact of globalisation on South African higher education institutions patterns of academic inflow into the South African higher education system
Ashika Maharaj

The extent of applying NCATE academic accreditation standards in faculty of education at Kuwait University
Meznah S. Kh. Al Azmi

Impact of globalization on stock market development in India
Kavita Goel, Rakesh Gupta

Food quality policy and labelling
Ludmila Nagyová, Elena Horská, Zdenka Kádeková

Determining the information content of futures market variables in India a time series approach
Malabika Deo, K. Srinivasan

International market integration for Bioethanol
Miroslava Rajcaniova, Erika Dobo, Abha Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Singh, Judit Villanyi, Miklos Vasari

Rapporteur Report

Eleventh international scientific conference on global economy: challenges and perspectives
Elena Horská


From study abroad to educational tourism diversifications of English-based programs on the higher education in Japan
Munehiko Asamizu

Case Study

Changing face of compensation in PSUs an attempt to compete with private sector
Neelam Saraswat, Gaurav Bhargava


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