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BIOINFOLET - A Quarterly Journal of Life Sciences
Year 2009, Volume-6, Issue-1 (January–March)
Print ISSN : 0973-1431

Table of contents

Anatomical features of Tribulus terrestris L.
U.G. Malode, S.R. Manik

Pharmacognostic evaluation of Adhatoda zeylanica medic.
D.A. Dhale, S.K. Markandeya, D.S. Jadhav

Pelliaites deccanii gen. et. sp.nov., a bryophytic sporogonium from the intertrappean beds of Mohgaonkalan, M. P., India
S.D. Narkhede, M. Bhowal

Occurrence of a female Glossopteridalean fructification from Kamthi Formation of Maharashtra
Padmaja M. Chougule

Effect of nutrient management on growth, yield, quality, economics and nutrient partitioning of sweet corn
N.B. Zende, S.S. Pinjari, J.S. Suryawanshi, T.S. Bhondve

Effect of planting geometry, nitrogen levels and micronutrients on the growth and yield of sweet corn.
S.S. Kunjir, S.S. Pinjari, J.S. Suryawanshi, T.S. Bhondve

Changes in mineral constitutents during leaf senescence in a sericultural Crop-morus alba L.
S.K. Khade, P.O. Chavan

Effect of chloride salinity on some crop plants of Maharashtra.
A. D. Landge, A. S. Petkar, A. R. Gaikwad, N. V. Nikam

Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in establishment of micropropagated plantlets of Sesbania Grandiflora (L.) pers.
Pavan K. Pindi, P. Venkataiah

Effect of Glomus mosseae on establishment of micropropagated plantlets of Albizia lebbeck benth.
P. Venkataiah, Pavan K. Pindi

Management of Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. Ciceri by different fungicides
V.C. Khilare, Rafi Ahmed, S.S. Chavan, O.D. Kohire

Integrated management of Alternaria alternata causing fruit rot of pomegranate
Mahendra Dahlwale, R.N. Bavlskar, N.S. Suryawanshl

Effect of am fungi on Brassica nigra, L.
Rangnath K. Aher

Effectiveness of Rhizobium biofertilizer technology through communication modes
D. K. Aher, R. S. Saler

Dye yielding plants and printing of natural fabrics
Anjali J. Kaware, N.R. Toshniwal, S.P. Rothe

Occurrence of Aeschynomene americana Linn. in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra State
O.S. Rathor, V.B. Chavan, M.K. Zare

Crossbred cattle in mouda tahsil of Nagpur district-A case study
S.M. Kanawade, M.G. Tokekar, M.G. Mote

Assesment of genetic variation in sunflower
M. N. Mohrir

Calcium and magnesium contents in water from Sikara dam
V.S. Kanwate

Food and feeding habits of Clupisoma bastari Datta and Karmakar inhibiting Godavari River, Nanded, Maharashtra
C.S. Bhowate, M.T. Mulgir, A.N. Kulkarni

Effect of micronutrients on malathion degradation by Rhizobium
R.P. Francis, L.V. Gangawane

Indoor aeromycoflora of university library
B.N. Pande, G.G. Godbole

Effect of water stress on growth and yield of chickpea (Eiesr srientinum L.)
Arti M. Kanehere, Rashmi S. Bhoge, Anju A. Bhagat

Cytomorphological observations in Nitella gracilis F. minuta (T.F.A.) R.D.W. from Western Maharashtra, India
Manjusha Ingawale, C. T. Karande

Pectin content of mango pulp under the influence of Aspergillus niger.
D.P. Gadgile, A.M. Chavan

Seed morphology of some species belonging to family Convolvulaceae of Maharashtra
M. M. Alfawade, N. B. Galkwad, S. R. Yadav

Weed population associated with dicot crops around Satara
Madhuri Kadam, V. P. Khandekar

Diseases of taro in Western Maharashtra
M.J. Mane, S.S. Kamble

Variation in sporangial dimensions of Phytophthora palmivora var. piperina causing quick wilt of black pepper
K. B. Patil, S. S. Kamble

Nutritive value of some forest plants of melghat tiger reserve (Maharashtra)
Vilas R. Deshmukh

Seasonal variation of aeromycoflora in Catharanthus roseus L.
K. L. Tiwari, P. K. Saluja

Effect of temperature on spore germination in Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.
S.B. More, S.S. Kamble

Vegetative propagation of Tribulus terrestris L. and Pedalium murexl.
V.V. Kate, B.A. Karadge


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