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Agricultural Science Digest
Year 2024, Volume-44, Issue-5 (October)
Print ISSN : 0253-150X
Online ISSN : 0976-0547

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Potential of biofertilizers in sustaining the productivity of forage crops: A review
Naveen Kumar, Shwetansh, Sunil Kumar, Deeksha Thakur, Mridula

Crop Production

Genetic evaluation of heterosis and combining ability of quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids under terminal heat stress conditions
Vinay K. Teja, Krishnam K. Raju, Rashmi K. Reddy, Poulami Sil, M. Subba Rao, Vishal Kumar Gupta

Evaluating the land use implementation results through land policy in Vinh Long province, Vietnam
Le Tran Bao, Nguyen Ngoc Duy Phuong

Agricultural insurance adoption in the context of climate change: Influencing factors in Benin (West Africa)
G.C. Zoundji, Y.Z. Magnon, F. Nouvivi Adjaka

Variability in starch content, starch granule morphology and size distribution of three cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes in relation to yield, at different planting seasons
J.I. Reuben-Kalu, E. Kokiladevi, M. Raveendran, D. Uma, V. Balasubramani, P.S. Kavitha, S.G. Patil, T.L. Kingsley

Response of INM, spacing and cycocel on quality attributes of cabbage [Brassica oleracea (L.) var. capitata] in Bundelkhand
Harpal Singh, Vinit Kumar

Effect of organic mulches on weed dynamics and productivity of super napier grass
Sudarsono, Budiman Nohong, Rinduwati

Enhancing onion cultivation in Indonesia: AMOS analysis of technology adoption in South Sulawesi and East Java
Zulkifli, S. Bulkis, I.M. Fahmid, Rahmadanih

Study on selected metals and nutritional status of maize (Zea mays L.) grown under different rates of fertilizers in Wolaita zone, Southern Ethiopia
Desalegn Dana Dinato, Alemu Lelago, Mesfin Bibiso, Abraham Bosha

Effect of effective microorganisms on vegetative growth of wheat
Basheer A. Abraheem, Ahmed A. Hussein, Naseer F. Shachai

Efficacy of growth regulators on flowering of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii B.) cv. goliath in open field condition
Bishnupada Giri, Sashikala Beura

Crop Improvement

Salinity temporal evolution assessment under mediterranean conditions
Samir Hadj-Miloud, Abdelkarim Ouamerali, Becherki Mohamed Aichouni

Efficiency of parametric and non parametric indices as the indicators of grain yield stability of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under rainfall conditions
H. Bendada, O. Mehanni, A.N. Louahdi, S. Selloum, S. Guemaz, B. Frih, A. Guendouz

Thidiazuron role in In vitro flowering of Murraya paniculata and Fortunella hindsii via embryogenic protoplast and hypocotyl segments cultures
Hasan Basri Jumin

Determination of lethal dose 50 for induced mutagenesis in soybean [Glycine max (L.) merril] cv. gepak kuning through ethyl methane sulfonate mutagen
Nilahayati, Rd. Selvy Handayani, Nazimah, Muhammad Sani Alfikri Harahap, Gusti Irawan, Rosmaina

Correlation and path coefficient analysis in cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) taub.] genotypes
A. Remzeena, P. Anitha


Enterobacter hormaechei bacteria from paper napkins confirmed by 16S rRNA gene and experimental infection in rats
Sabaa Hilal Hadi, Al-Khafaji A. Muna, Rana H. Raheema, Abdulazeez A. Hasoony


Evaluation of low cost protected structure for commercial cultivation of Dendrobium Cv. Sonia under Assam condition
Punam Saikia, Pradip Mahanta

Application of pranic agriculture to improve growth and yield of Banana (Musa sp. var. nanjangud rasa bale)-A comparative field trial
K. Nagendra Prasad, V. Vinu, Srikanth N. Jois

Crop Protection

Assessment of toxicity of lead and nickel on the biochemical and immunological parameters of earthworm, Eudrilus eugeniae
Renu Yadav, R.K. Gupta, Rahul Kumar, Taranjeet Kaur

Biotransformation of cardenolides from Calotropis procera and their cytotoxic potential against human mammary gland carcinoma cells
R. Kiran Kharat, R. Vinod Ragade, R. Amol Kharat

Cultural, morphological and pathogenic variability in Alternaria cyamopsidis causing alternaria blight of clusterbean in Rajasthan
Jitendra Sharma, G.S. Rathore, S.L. Yadav, S.K. Goyal, Suresh Meena

Investigation on larvicidal efficacy of two native ornamental murrels of Assam under controlled condition
Aparajita Gogoi, Shyama Prasad Biswas

Environment Science

Wetland changes and ecosystem services valuation of Kapla beel in Assam
Annesha Mech, Pranjal Protim Buragohain

Bioaccumulation of Pb (lead) in the muscles of Danio rerio and its effect on the anti-oxidant enzyme catalase in the mining vicinity of Kolar gold fields
D. Ashok, B.P. Harini, Saraswati, T.V. Jagadisha, S. Arun Kumar, A.L. Jude Calistus

Social Science

Navigating challenges: Exploring challenges to occupational diversification amongst the farmers in Odisha
Debi Kalyan Jayasingh, Bishnupriya Mishra, Kamalakanta Behera, Subrat Pattanaik

Animal Husbandry

Histomorphological changes in the mammary gland of local Indian goat during lactation cycle
Rakhi Vaish, J.S. Taluja, Nidhi Gupta, Yogita Pandey, Payal Jain, Shashi Tekam

Genetic analysis of fitness traits of kashmir merino sheep at organized farms of Kashmir
Mubashir Ali Rather, Ambreen Hamadani, Tariq Ahmad Malik, Imran Bashir, Ishfaq Ahmad

Food Science

Studies on the development and evaluation of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) blended Papaya (Carica papaya) chutney
G.T. Harshita, Gurpreet Singh, Ravi Kondle, Khushboo Kathayat

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