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Agricultural Reviews
Year 2024, Volume-45, Issue-3 (September)
Print ISSN : 0253-1496
Online ISSN : 0976-0741

Table of contents RSS Feed

Review Articles

Moringa oleifera: The miracle tree and its potential as nonconventional animal feed: A review
Nazish Rizwan, Danish Rizwan, M.T. Banday

Genetic diversity and selection signatures in economically important traits of ethiopian indigenous cattle breed as a base for dairy cattle genetic improvement: A review
Assemu Tesfa, Kefyalew Alemayehu, Wossenie Shibabaw, Bizuayehu Kerisew, Mengistie Taye

Genetic, biological and sterile insect techniques: Insect pest management strategies: A review
Mahesh Kumar Bhandari, Mamata Paudel

Heavy metal stress and cellular antioxidant systems of plants: A review
Mohd. Kafeel Ahmad Ansari, Muhammad Iqbal, Mushtaq Ahmad, Mamoona Munir, Sabina Abdul Gaffar, Noureddine Chaachouay

Systemic acquired resistance vs induced systemic resistance: A review
Sachin Sharma, Pardeep Kumar, Amar Singh

Recycling of leaf litters: Biowaste management for resource conservation
Sheeba Rebecca Isaac, Amala Mary George

Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea): A mini review
Saeed Mohsenzadeh

Impact of covid 19 outbreak on livestock production: A review
Ogechi Evangeline Kadurumba, Amalachi Kenechukwu Ibe-Ojiludu, Linda Chidimma Ikpamezie, Vivian Chinenye Anyanwu, Chukwuemeka Kadurumba

Plant metabolism during water deficit stress: A review
Suruchi M. Khanna

India's cotton balance sheet under two decadal scenarios: A review
Savanam Chandra Sekhar, P. Sai Dinesh, A.S.S. Ruthwik, M. Sandeep, M. Yuva Vamsi

Purple Tomato - Importance and scope: A review
Laxmi Sharma, Rajeev Kumar, Vijay Paul, Rakesh Pandey, Milan Kumar Lal

Weed management in oilseeds-a holistic perspective: A review
Dhanu Unnikrishnan, Sheeja K. Raj, C.S. Arunima Babu

Artificial neural networks- An introduction and application in animal breeding and production: A review
Dimpi Khanikar, Arundhati Phookan, Ankita Gogoi

Bud chip seedling-A new propagating technique in sugarcane production: An overview
M. Begum, N.J. Ojha, B. Sarmah, S. Paul

Brown manuring-an eco-friendly approach towards sustainability in agriculture: A review
Saikat Biswas, Rupa Das

The tendency of livestock growth in Ethiopia: A review
Desalegn Begna, Tadese Kuma, Zemene Yohannes

Understanding and managing weed seed banks: A review
Sarwan Kumar, S.S. Rana, Gaytri Hetta, Navjot Rana

Behavioural disorders in dogs and cats: A review
A.U. Haq, H.U. Malik, S.S. Randhawa, M. El-Shazly, D. Chandran

Post harvest management of vegetables: A review
Ravinder Kaur, Balvir Kaur

Melochia corchorifolia L. (Chocolate weed) an underutilized bio-resource: A review
Dhanu Unnikrishnan, Sheeja K. Raj, C.S. Arunima Babu

Research Articles

Evaluation of haricot bean [Phaseolus vulgaris (L.)] varieties for yield and yield components at ebinat and tach Gayint districts of South Gondar zone, northwestern Ethiopia
Dejen Bekis Fentie, Alamir Ayenew Worku, Solomon Sharie Shferaw

Zeoponic: A breakthrough plant growth media for horticulture and seedling of plantation
Suwardi, Dyah Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, Putri Oktariani, Hermanu Widjaja, Octaviana Randrikasari

Correlation between Milk Urea Nitrogen (MUN) Levels with Metabolizable Energy (ME) and Crude Protein (CP) Provided with Ratio of Roughage Concentrate by Supplied Feed of Dairy Cattle and its Effect on Milk Yield and Milk Composition
Tanni Chanda, M.K.I. Khan, G.C. Chanda, G.K. Debnath

Influence of micro climatic indices on growth and yield of direct seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in Assam
Bidisha Borah, Kalyan Pathak

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