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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2022, Volume : 22, Issue : 1
First page : ( 213) Last page : ( 228)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963. Online ISSN : 0974-181X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-181X.2022.00018.X

The role of dietary trypsin enzyme in reducing the adverse effects of trypsin inhibitors in poultry nutrition - A review

Asare E., Yang H.M., Yang Z.1,*, Zhang H., Wang Z.Y.

College of Animal Science and TechnologyYangzhou UniversityYangzhou, Jiangsu Province, 225000, PR. China

1Joint International Research Laboratory of Agriculture and Agric-Product Safety of Ministry of Education of China, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province-225009, P.R. China

*Corresponding author: zhiyang@yzu.edu.cn

Online Published on 21 July, 2022.


Asare, E., Yang, H.M., Yang, Z., Zhang, H. and Wang, Z.Y. 2022. The role of dietary trypsin enzyme in reducing the adverse effects of trypsin inhibitors in poultry nutrition - A Review. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 22: 213–228.

Scientific studies indicated that the growth performance of birds is impaired not only by ingestion of anti-nutrients in feed ingredients but also by the insufficient secretion of proteolytic enzymes required for digestion. The endogenous trypsin is noted to strenuously influence the rate of digestion especially protein in poultry through its roles but its activity is suppressed due to what the birds are fed with. Measures taken, including exogenous enzymes, have efficiently enhanced poultry's growth through plant protein digestion. Some of these enzymes exist commercially as mono-component, with others having a different mode of actions or unknown specificity yet but classified as a chymotrypsin-like enzyme or subtilisin. However, a better understanding of protease enzyme mode of specificity and efficient protein digestion makes trypsin a powerful and effective divining rod. Hence, it was noted that the ability of the duodenum to enhance digestion and absorption of proteins effectively depends on the increased activation of pancreatic zymogens (trypsin) or the mimicking of exogenous trypsin as zymogen-like. Comparatively, this improved the growth points of chick by 40% when trypsin was supplemented exogenously in a 5% inclusion of raw soybean diet of 20% soy protein diet. Furthermore, with the use and increasing dosage of exogenous trypsin, a proportionate increase in trypsin activities will, in turn, reside in a dose-dependent manner that binds all amino acid peptides to enhance digestion and reduce the negativities of trypsin inhibitors. Hence, this review aims to briefly disclose trypsin's effectiveness as a mono-component enzyme supplemented in poultry ration.



Digestibility, Enzyme, Growth, Poultry, Trypsin.


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