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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2022, Volume : 22, Issue : 1
First page : ( 41) Last page : ( 54)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963. Online ISSN : 0974-181X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-181X.2022.00004.X

Effect of pineapple peel on acidification kinetics, chemical composition and In vitro digestibility of corn silage

Ramirez J.C. Ramirez1,2,*, Olguin J.L. Loya1,2, Leyva R. Gutierrez1,2, Ulloa J.A.2,3, Nunez F. Grageola1,2, Ulloa P. Rosas2,3, Gurrola A. Gomez1

Unidad Academica de Medicina Veterinariay ZootecniaUniversidad Autonoma de Nayarit, Carretera Compostela-Chapalilla Km 3.5, C.P.-63700, CompostelaNayarit, Mexico

1Unidad Academica de Medicina Veterinariay Zootecnia, Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit, Compostela, Mexico

2Posgrado en Ciencias Biologico Agropecuarias, Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit, Xalisco, Mexico

3Centro de Tecnologia de Alimentos, Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit, Tepic, Mexico

*Corresponding author: josec.ramirez@uan.edu.mx

Online Published on 21 July, 2022.


Ramirez Ramirez, J.C., Loya Olguin, J.L., Gutierrez Leyva, R., Ulloa, J.A., Grageola Nunez, F., Rosas Ulloa, P. and Gomez Gurrola, A. 2022. Effect of pineapple peel on acidification kinetics, chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of corn silage. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 22: 41–54.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding pineapple peel (PP) (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40%) to corn plants of two harvests PM1 (28% DM) and PM2 (34% DM), on silage fermentation, chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Mini silos of 250 g were prepared in plastic bags and kept at room temperature (25±2°C) for 0, 30, 45, 90 and 150 days (T) under a 2 x 5 x 5 factorial design. PM1 silages with PP (5–40%) at 90 days had the highest acidification (P<0.05); however, silages from all treatments were preserved for 150 days. The DM content was lower (19.24%) in PM1 (PP 40%) silage; however, PP inclusion did not affect the DM content (21.54–24.17%) of the other treatments (P<0.05). Ash (5.54%) and crude protein (7.99%) content were similar (P>0.05) between treatments, while lipid content (3.58%) was greater in PM1 (PP 5%, T 150) silages. PP addition (10–40%) decreased the neutral detergent fiber to 60.07% in the silages, while the acid detergent fiber did not change (average 30.17%). The silages of PM1 and PM2 added with 20 and 40% of PP; respectively, presented the highest IVDMD (78.97%). It is concluded that pineapple peel is a potential ingredient to apply in corn silage production because it contributes fermentation and preservation, in addition does not affect protein content and increases digestibility.



Corn silage, Digestibility, Fermentation kinetics, Pineapple peel, Ruminant feeding.


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