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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2022, Volume : 22, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 15)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963. Online ISSN : 0974-181X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-181X.2022.00001.4

Effect of dietary supplementation of Acacia arabica bark dry extract on the enteric methane emission and performance of lactating buffaloes

Kaur Haneet, Wadhwa M., Hundal J.S., Bakshi M.P.S.*, Sharma Amit, Malhotra Puneet1, Bansal B.K.1

Department of Animal Nutrition, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science UniversityLudhiana-141004, India

1Directorate Livestock FarmsGuru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science UniversityLudhiana-141004, India

*Corresponding author: bakshimps2@gmail.com

Online Published on 21 July, 2022.


Kaur, Haneet, Wadhwa, M., Hundal, J.S., Bakshi, M.P.S., Sharma, Amit, Malhotra, Puneet and Bansal, B.K. 2022. Effect of dietary supplementation of Acacia arabica bark dry extract on the enteric methane emission and performance of lactating buffaloes. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 22: 1–15.

Dry extract of Acacia arabica bark was supplemented at 1% of DM in the total mixed ration (TMR) to assess the impact on the enteric methane emission, milk yield and its composition in lactating buffaloes. The TMR contained concentrate mixture, green fodder (Trifolium alexandrium) and wheat straw in 40:42:18 ratio (DM basis). In vitro studies revealed that TMR with A. arabica bark dry extract did not affect the net gas production (NGP), ME content and digestibility of nutrients; improved the volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production and decreased (P<0.05) methane production at t-half resulting in higher microbial biomass synthesis. A 180 days feeding trial was conducted on 12 lactating buffaloes divided in to two equal groups. The enteric methane emission was assessed by sulphur hexa fluoride (SF6) tracer technique. The DM intake was not affected by the supplementation of A. arabica bark dry extract, but digestibility of CP, EE and cellulose was improved (P<0.05) and the enteric methane emission was decreased (P<0.01) by 36.54%. The milk yield was similar in both the groups with improved (P<0.05) milk fat percent, but protein and SNF percent (P<0.01) was depressed. There was no significant effect of supplementing A. arabica on the saturated, mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fatty acids contents in milk fat as compared to the control diet. The purine derivatives (PD) excreted in urine were 37% higher (P<0.05) and the microbial biomass synthesis was 56% higher (P<0.05) in animals fed diet supplemented with A. arabica. The blood profile of buffaloes was not affected by the A. arabica bark extract supplementation. It was concluded that the dietary supplementation of dry extract of A. arabica bark mitigated enteric methane emission, without affecting milk yield, however, milk composition was altered.



Acacia arabica bark dry extract, Fatty acids-milk fat, Lactating buffaloes, Methane mitigation, Nutrient utilization, Urinary purine derivatives.


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