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The Asian Man - An International Journal
Year 2008, Volume-2, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0974-6366

Table of contents

Ethics in Public Administration: A Review on the Civil Service, Banking, Health and Education Sector in Bangladesh
Dr. Amir M. Nasrullah

The Millenium Development Goals and Socio-Economic Indicators in Nigeria
Dr. Gafar T. Ijaiya, Dr. Raji A. Bello, Dr. (Mrs.) Sidikat L. Adeyemi, Mr. Mukaila A. Ijaiya

Constitutional Provisions, Policies, Privileges and Benefits for the Aged in India
Prof. D. Pulla Rao

Tourism in Ancient India: Motives and Contributions
Dr. Anand Singh

The Tribal Development: A Case Study of the Tharus of Balrampur, U.P. (India)
Prof. Indu Sahai, Ms. Neelam Agrawal

Life Cycle and Seasonal Rituals among the Mundas of Sukrisarang in Ranchi, Jharkhand
Ms. Arnasha Singh, Dr. Udai Pratap Singh

Research Reports

Socio-Cultural Aspect Of Food Habit In The Garhwal Region Of Uttaranchal - With Special Reference To Pregnant Women
Dr. Alok Chantia, Pramod Bihari Shukla

“Traditional System of Medicine And Cure Among the Jaunsarese of Jaunsar-Bawar (Uttarakhand)
Rahul Patel, Shri Santosh Upadhyay

Role of Civil Society Organisations in Promotion of Health
Dr. Anoop Kumar Bhartiya

Islamic Perspective on Family Planning/Birth Control: Some Observations
Dr. Arun Kumar Singh

Research News

Nutritional Quality Components of Dried Mulberry Leaves from different Genotypes
Dr. Rajkumari, Dr. S. Srivastava

Book Reviews

The Oraons of Ranchi
Rahul Patel

The Nicobarese (A Tribe in Search of Identity)
Prof. H.B.S. Chauhan

Annexure: Hindi Veethika

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Obituary – 001
Rahul Patel


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