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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 46)
Online ISSN : 2249–7307.

Sustainable development in India: How Likely?

Dr. Miluwi Joshua O.*, Ms. Rashid Hina**

*Department, Commerce & Management, Career College, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.

**Department of Social Sciences, Saifia College, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.

Online published on 1 November, 2011.


Following the end of World War II, newly independent and war-ravaged countries undertook specific programs to rebuild their economies. It is now 50 years since this process began. In a global context success stories are relatively few. Broadly speaking, growth rates in Africa, South Asia and Latin America are below the level required to achieve sustained improvement in living standard, and to keep pace with their rapidly increasing population. In addition, following the collapse of the USSR, widely held suspicions have been confirmed that most of the former Eastern Bloc countries have not achieved economic growth to the extent the world was led to believe. The important question is: why has the economic growth in many of these countries not been significant, and has not been sustained? Economic growth is determined by a complex of factors whose relative importance would depend on, amongst others, the capacity of a country to respond to new challenges, the existing state of its economy, the socio-political situation, its international standing and the global investment climate. While availability of capital for investment is important for sustainable economic growth, capital on its own cannot achieve growth unless an appropriate political environment and administrative set up exists. Besides India, countries like Nigeria, Mexico and Russia show clearly why they failed to achieve sustainable economic development.



Sustainable Development, Indian Economy, Economic Reforms, Administrative Reforms.


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