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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 1
First page : ( 71) Last page : ( 75)
Print ISSN : 2231-5683. Online ISSN : 2231-5691.
Article DOI : 10.52711/2231-5691.2022.00011

A Systemetic and Scientific Review on the Acmella oleracea and its Traditional Medical and Pharmacological uses

Savant Priti B.1,*, Kareppa Manjusha S.2

1Lecturer, Radheya Charitable Trust's, Dinesh Bembade College of Pharmacy, Latur Nanded Highway Village Mahalangra Tq Chakur Dist Latur, 413513Maharashtra

2Assistant Professor, SBSPM's B Pharmacy College, Ambajogai - 431517, Maharashtra

*Corresponding Author E-mail: preetisawant409@gmail.com

Online Published on 09 June, 2022.


Acmella oleracea L. R.K. Jansen belongs to the family Asteraceae is generally termed “toothache plant”. Though complex pattern has present or shows in the Acmella genus, the cylindrical discoid capitula which has a golden yellow in color with red tip make it unique. It is an annual herb, occurring around the world and, It is cultivated for horticultural and pharmacological purpose it is used in the treatment or prevention of various diseases or disorders in the human being or animal rheumatism, stuttering, paralysis of the tongue, antipyretic i.e. reduce body temperature, sore throat and gum infections. There are also others reports of the use of Spilanthes acmella, such as spices such as antiseptic i.e. these are the agents which are used to kill the growth of the microorganism on living tissue, antibacterial i.e. kill or inhibit the growth of bactria, antifungal, antimalarial i.e. these are the drug or agent which are used to inhibit or kill the parasite responsible for cause of malarial infection, remedy for toothache, influenza, cough i.e. Expel the mucos sectretions from the respiratory tract and tuberculosis i.e. These are drug or agent which are used to inhibit causative microorganism of tuberculosis mycobacterium tuberculosis etc.



Acmella oleracea, Spilanthol, Spilanthes acmella, Toothache plant, Spilanthes. Acmella Murr.


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