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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Year : 2021, Volume : 11, Issue : 4
First page : ( 263) Last page : ( 268)
Print ISSN : 2231-5683. Online ISSN : 2231-5691.
Article DOI : 10.52711/2231-5691.2021.00047

Emulgel: A review

Hasan Sahil*, Bhandari Saloni, Sharma Anshu, Garg Poonam

Bhupal Noble's College of Pharmacy, Udaipur (313001) Rajasthan, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: sahilhasan44@gmail.com

Online published on 8 July, 2022.


Emulgel systems are currently attention to the pharmaceutical sectors because of their substantial potential to act as drug delivery vehicle by incorporating a broad range of drug molecules and higher stability compared to the other dosage form like cream, lotion, gel, etc. Emulsions are either available in an oil in water or water in oil type. These are prepared by the incorporation of the emulsion into the gel with constant stirring at a moderate speed. Incorporation of emulsion into a gel makes it a dual control release system, thereby, increasing its stability. It has better drug release if we compare to other topical drug delivery system. It is non greasy because of the presence of gel phase which enhances patient compliance. Gels has a major limitation for the delivery of hydrophobic drugs, so to overcome this limitation an emulsion based approach is being used so that even a hydrophobic therapeutic drug can enjoy the unique properties of gels. In recent years, these have also been a great interest in the use of novel polymers. These emulgels are having major advantages on vesicular drug delivery systems as well as on conventional systems in various aspects. Various permeation enhancers can enhance the effect; due to this emulgels can be used as better topical drug delivery systems over current drug delivery systems. The emulsion can be use for analgesics and antifungal drugs.



Emulgels, Gel, Emulsion, Topical Drug Delivery, Analgesic, Antifungal.


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