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Asian Journal of Management
Year 2010, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January–March)
Print ISSN : 0976-495X

Table of contents

Review Article

Quality Improvement Methodologies in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Dhaval V Patel, Biraju D Patel, Nilesh K Patel, Navin R Sheth, Mahesh R Dabhi, Ashvin V Dudhrejiya

Research Articles

Job satisfaction among academicians:-A study with reference to Management Colleges (both Government and Private) in Faridabad.
Vijit Chaturvedi, MK Sethi

Marketing Challenges and Opportunities during Recession
Divya Singh

Booming Retail Sector: Destination India
Pranab K Bhattacharya

Traditional Solutions to Encounter Global Warming
Amit K. Srivastva

Demographic Inclination towards Purchase Factors: A Study on Fashion Apparels
Saket Ranjan Praveer, Ashish Kumar Shrivastava

The Evaluation of Self Help Groups-Bank Linkage Programme
A. K. Srinivas

Women Entrepreneurship and Its Development in India
Neha Singh


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