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Agricultural Economics Research Review
Year 2024, Volume-37, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0971-3441
Online ISSN : 0974-0279

Table of contents RSS Feed

Agricultural wages in India: Trends and structural changes
S B Sneha, S K Srivastava, Mrinmoy Ray, K V Praveen, Alka Singh

Exploring carbon dioxide emissions and their drivers in global leading economies - A panel vector autoregression perspective
K Nirmal Ravi Kumar, Moses Shyam, M S Madhav, K Vijay Krishna Kumar, Adinan Bahahudeen Shafiwu

Unveiling the impacts of global uncertainties ITSA approach for quantifying the impacts of covid-19 on agricultural trade
Raka Saxena, Purushottam Sharma, Devesh Kumar Pant, Ritambhara Singh, Satish Chandra Pant, Neha Joshi

Impact of climate change on agriculture in indo-gangetic plains of India
Nalini Kumar Ranjan, Abdulla, Shilpi Kapoor, N P Singh, G K Jha, S K Srivastava

Contract farming, farmers’ income and adoption of food safety practices: Evidence from remote areas of Nepal
Anjani Kumar, Devesh Roy, Gaurav Tripathi, Rajendra Adhikari

Vulnerability of the Indian cashew market to global price shocks
Shripad Bhat, Dinesh Kumar, Shiv Kumar, Kiran T M Kumara, H Rajashekara

Public investment in irrigation across the Indian states: Financial recovery and governance§
Seema Bathla, Elumalai Kannan, Gautam Kumar Das

Export competitiveness of organic food commodities with special reference to Organic Naga King chilli — A revealed comparative advantage approach
Brota Sing Bey, Ram Singh, S M Feroze, Nivedita Deka

Increasing the fruit growers’ share in the marketing system
Shahbaz Rashid, Ferooz Ahmad Hajam, Javeed Ahmad Rather, Irshad Ahmad Bhat

Can livestock sector reduce inequality in rural India? An economic analysis of trends and drivers of growth in livestock sector
Devesh Birwal, Anchal Arora

Abstract of PhD Thesis

Policies for food security in India: Comparative study of ‘In-Kind’ food transfer and ‘In-Cash’ direct transfer in Puducherry
A Mahendran

Author Index


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