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Agricultural Economics Research Review
Year 1990, Volume-3, Issue-1 & 2 (January–December)
Print ISSN : 0971-3441

Table of contents



Factors contributing to yield gap in cotton in Raichur district of Karnataka: An econometric evidence
H. Basavaraja, K.C. Hiremath, M.V. Srinivasa Gowda

Application of frish's methodology in deriv1ng direct and cross price elasticities of demand for foodgrains in different regions of Andhra Pradesh
J. Krishnaiah, S. Krishnamoorthy

Measurement of relative efficiency under different systems of irrigation: A profit function approach
Jawahar Thakur, Praduman Kumar

Supply response of cotton in Andhra Pradesh
A. Janaiah, K. Subbarama Raju, J. Krishnaiah

Abstracts of Ph. D. Theses

A study on marketing of paddy in Assam
A. U. Ahmed

Analysis of alternative criteria for irrigation water pricing
P. Srivastava

Instability analysis of cereal production during pre green and green revolution periods in Uttar Pradesh
M. Singh

Pattern of employment and income under different cropping patterns-A study in Jorbat, Nagaon And Goalpara districts
R.A. Halim

Economic evaluation of various criteria for determining prtmium rates in comprehensive crop insuranee scheme-A case study of Uttar Pradesh
P. Biswas

Resource productivity and projection of agricultural production in different regions of Uttar Pradesth
A.K. Dubey

An economic analysis of short term agricultural credit availed by small and marginal farmers of Aligarh district
S. P. Singh

An economic analysis of agricultural credit of tribal and non-tribal farmers in Thane district of Maharashtra state
H.K. Patil

Impact of technical change on output, income, employment and factor shares in Indian agriculture: A case study of Karnataka bidi tobacco economy and its problems: An econometric analysis
G.K. Hiremath

Abstracts of M. Sc. Theses

Regional trends and disparities in fertilizer consumption in India
C.A. Rao

An economic analysis of marketing of vegetables-A case study in Dharwad and Hubli markets
V.R. Kiresur

Economics of farming systems in Sindhudurg district (Maharashtra)
V.G. Naik

An economic analysis of cultivation and marketing of watermelon in Thane district (M.S.)
C.R. Mhetre

Distrietwise growth rates of agriculture in Konkan region
C.V. Bhambure

An economic analysis of impact of new farm technology in rice cultivation in Sindhudurg district (M.S.)
S.M. Sawant

Socio-economic impact of minor irrigation projects in Sindhudurg district (M.S.)
A.K. Gumaste

A study of economic feasibility of lift irrigation project in Jorhat subdivision of Assam
J.P. Hazarika

Evaluation of Integrated Rural Development Programme in Bichpuri Block of Agra District (with special reference to Canara Bank).
P. Singh

Impact of crop insurance on cropping pattern, resource use and income level on farms in baheri block of district Bareilly (U.P.)
R.K. Verma

Growth trends in forest area and its impact on rainfall in different divisions of U.P.
J. S. Toor

Economic analysis of dairying in slums of Rudrapur town of Nainital district
A. Suyal

Marketing of apple in Nainital district of Uttar Pradesh
K.K. Kundu

An econimic analysis of Milk Marketing in tarai Region of district Nainital (U.P.)
G. D. Chaturvedi

Posibi1ities of increasing income and employment on vegetable farms in Kasayan block of Deoria district (U.P.)
R. Singh

An economic investigation into the Potential for raising farm income in the valleys of Chamma block in district Tehri-Garhwal (U.P.).
S. Rana

Economics of mentha processing-A case study of a processing plant in Kashipur block of Nainita1 district
S. Vadnere

Economics of various tree species and their optimum plan for afforestation on community lands of selected villages in Hawal Bagh block of district Almora
B. Kandpal

Economics of preservation of mango into different products in Ratnagiri district (M S.)
P.D. Veerkar

Economic analysis of experimental data on tomato crop in Tarai region
A. Srivastava

Trend analysis of electric generation, consumption, availability and rural electrification and its relation to agricultural and industrial production in U.P.
A. Singh

Parity price analysis of major crops of U. P.
L. Joshi

A study on impact of IRDP on income, employment and assets of beneficiaries in Koesla block of district Azamgarh
R.S. Srivastava

Resource use efficiency under rainfed agriculture in Hawalbagh block of Almora district
S. Kumar

Dynamics of land use in different states of India.
U. K. Sharma

A study of resource allocation in farms of flood-prone and flood-flee areas in Sibsagar sub-division of Assam
J. K. Gogoi

Human resource utilization patterns in assam agriculture-A case study in the Srijangram Development block, Goalpara district, Assam
A.K. Das

A study of marketing of pineapple in central districts of Manipur
K. R. Singh

An analysis of parity prices for major crops in Assam state
S. Rahman

Power utilization patterns in the farms of Bajali Development block of Assam
R. Sarma

Economics of production of selected flowers in Thane district (M.S.)
M.N. Shedage

Economics of production marketing and processing of cashewnut in Sindhudurg district (Maharashtra state)
V.D. Dalvi

Economics of poultry production in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra state
V.G. Joshi

Diversification of agricultute in U.P.—An empirical analysis
J. Bhatia

Changes in cropping pattern and adoption of new technology in agriculture-A case study in Nazira development block in Sibsagar district, Assam
M. P. Rownier

A study on organization of rural deposits and the effect of farmer's involvement with different deposit schemes in Jorhat subdivision of Assam
P.C. Gogoi

An Ex-ante financial analysis and optimum mix of various tree species for agro forestry for Bhabhar region of Nainital district, U.P.
K. Waldia

Credit requirement for optimum crop and milk production plans in Tamkohi Raj block of Deoria district
B. Prasad

Economics of small scale agro-processing units in Nainital district (U.P.)
D. V. Singh

Operational analysis of irrigation system in Jamrani command area
A. Dimri

Pattern of investmenfs and returns in citrus orchards: A study of sweet orange in Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh
R. M. Reddy

Performance of dairy co-operatives and their impact on milk production, income and employment in Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh-An economic analysis
K.D.S. Jithendra

Performance of Bijapur Grameen Bank and impact of credit on resource utilization on farms in Bijapur district-An economic analysis
R. S. Poddar

Effect of subsidy on farm production-A comparative study of tribal and non-tribal farms in Nalbari district, Assam
R. N. Barman

A study on agricultural credit in mylliem development block of East Khasi hills district, Meghalaya
M. Kharmawphlang

Milk production in the farms of Jorhat district of Assam-An economic analysis
N. Deka

Jtegionat trends and disparities in fertiiizer consumption in India
A.R. Rao

Study of village multipurpose co-operative societies in Ratnagiri district (Maharashtra)
K.S. Agrekar


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